the last lovers quarrel part 2

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Yoongi cuaght on quick that jimin wanted some more so he quickly ditched his jacket throwing it to the floor without breaking the kiss. The kiss went from soft to yoongi poking his tounge between jimins teeth asking permission to enter, of course jimin didnt hesitate for a second.

Playing with eachothers tounge yoongi was exploring every inch and corner of jimins mouth whilst his fingers slipped under jimins shirt making jimin tremble under sugar finger tips. "Yoongi how about you have sex with me ~" jimin blurted out kind of loudly begining to feel all riled up as hel felt yoongis fingers trailing closer andcloser to his drawstring in his pants. Yoongi froze in place for a second backing up slightly away from jimins lips looking directly into jimins eyes which were filled with desire. " sex...I dont know baby, that would be a big step on our lives you know " yoongi slipped his fingers into jimins pants squeezing jimin dick teasingly " how about I just make you cum instead mochi bear "~ yoongi insisted palming jimin while leaning forward to kiss and suck jimins sweet spot right below his earlobe.

Jimin was starting to feel really good, squeezing yoongis shoulder with one hand while moaning softly "ahnn~ please yoongi, it's a going away gift for you, I want you to take me and make me fully yours " jimin begged with a saddening look in his eyes. Yoongi noticed the change in jimins voice so he kissed jimins sweetspot and lips one more time. After backing away yoongis mood on the inside changed seeing jimins face lookin like it was trying not to cry, he even took his hand out of jimins pants.

Yoongi let out a sigh. " jimin, you have never asked me for sex you doing this becuase you know I'm going away "? Jimins eyes trailed down breaking the eye contact, he began fidgeting with his finger tips. "Yes" jimin calmly answered. "Then I wont do it". Yoongi expression changed to a bit of a concerted one, whilst Jimi's turned confused.

Jimin: "Why cant we? We love eachother after all"

Yoongi: yes I DO love you jimin, and dont get me wrong I'd really like to fuck you right now but we just cant, it would probably cuase more pain while I'm gone"

Jimin: *rolls eyes* whatever you probably wont even come back anyways *grabs pillow to hug it feeling frustrated*

Yoongi: "dont you trust me, I promise I'm gonna be back"

Jimin: "I trust that time can change people, distance can damage bonds. People can say things, but nobody can tell the future" jimin said in a grumpy way.

Yoongi sensed the attitude in jimins voice and it frustrated him as well. But he stayed silent. "Look I'm not happy about moving away either babe but you it's not my fualt either"

Jimin: "i know that but -. Yoongi interrupted jimin.

Yoongi: " you know what I think I'm just gonna head back home" he got up and was on his way to jimins front door. "Wait!!" He heard jimin shout unexpectedly while he opened the door. Yoongi turned around looking at jimin. He let go of the doorknob walking up to jimin amd kissed his lips, the kiss wasnt lustful, nor hungry it was filled with love. It lasted a few moments but felt like seconds to jimin, jimin was feeling that bad feeling is his gut. It was a sign of something but he couldnt tell what it was just yet.

Yoongi broke the kiss looking into jimins eyes. ......."jimin.. I love you, that will never change baby... turning away and walking out yoongi closed the door carefully behind him. Jimin stood there watching his world walk away. For some reason he choked, he didnt know what to say besides " .....I love you too yoongi" but nothing else would come out. That night yoongi never went home right away ( I'll save that mystery for later ) and jimin cried himself to sleep. " how come the only thing I truly care about in this world is getting ripped away" jimin questioned himself. " it's not fair " he cried himself to sleep but little did he know...that would be the last moments he had with yoongi for a long long time )

( gonna wrap it up here, see back in chapter 4 dry for not posting yesterday like I said, I want to try to post everyday at least one new chapter. And I got lots of future stories planned! ) ( see you soon )

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