YOONGIS LAST DAYS ( and i dont mean that he died, calm down you! )

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"We will just make the best of it while it last" jimin said fixing up his face. Yoongi smiled "your right baby " ●TIMESKIP● they finished their usually routine at school and met up. The atmosphere between the both of them felt not akward but mmm messy. Life felt like it spilt in half. Yoongi was teasing jimin picking on his height when his phone rang. It was his mother. "One second baby, it's my eomma". Jimin smiled "of course baby ". Yoongi answered his phone " i guess your done ignoring your son ma...*sigh* okay, okay! Stop yelling at me, I will when I get home....right now I'm with my boy...whatever- *hangs up phone* yoongis expression turned from happy to frustrated but looking at jimins face made him put his own emotions aside to tend to jimins. "So I guess that your mom wants you home now" jimin spoke with a saddened tone, but not like he was about to cry. "Yeah,unfortunately " yoongi rolled his eyes " I'll see you tomorow, and I'll sneak out tonight to come see you even if it gets me in trouble, okay? Yoongi smirk. "Want to have a makeout session with me, we can touch eachother til we both cum~". " yeah of course I do, come over tonight  " jimin smirked. "Now go home to your mother before you gives you another earful *luaghs* "you ass" yoongi chuckled " you are right though she is annoying me enough as is, besides school ended 4 hours ago that's why she is so upset ". Both of them laughed and kissed eachother bye "bye papa mochi " jimin shouted . "I'll see you tonight my baby mochi !"

( chapter 2 but this is like a part 1 of chapter 2, if that makes sense. PART 2 of chapter 2 is right below keep reading lol, you thought it was over didnt you ?🤭 ) ( oh amd there will be smut in chapter 3  )

●●  part 2 of this chapter  ●●

(Since I know the story will soon focus on jungkook amd jimin I'm gonna do from yoongi pov right now until he sneaks out to see jimin ) ( back to the story now cuase I think you get it lol )

Yoongi approached his apartment with a groan of disgust knowing his mother was in there. He loved his parents but at the same time didnt favor his mother and his father didnt make him feel much better. They didnt show much support towards his dreams or anything he did really, his siblings all got credit in everything they did but yoongi was always mostly wrong or didnt do anything right. So for his parents making him feel like that alot of the time he would be rebellious since it was the only attention he could get from his parents. He was only ever truly kind to jimin becuase he is the only person he has met who has showed him how to love. And find light within the shadows. And most of all to love himself. He gathered his thoughts and patients in one deep relaxing refreshing slow breath. Soon then turning the king entering the as he would call it "the hell whole" and the devil herself was right in his face.

WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOUNG MAN !? his mother yelled asking sternly but also concerned.

"mom I'm 18 years old I dont have to always tell you every little thing I'm doing, your already forcing me to start my life over by moving all the way back to korea. And you wont even let me bring my boyfriend when I've told you he doesnt even have anyone to look after him " yoongi expressed out loud coldly but humbly

"Just get the hell out of my face and go to your room already " "and just so you know I dont like you being around that boy, hell who knows if he is even telling the truth about being homeless his parents probly kicked him out because he didnt want to behave ( behave is corny but idk what other word to use) he is 18 just like you, he can fend for himself. You want a person who can also take care of themselves too you know, not someone who pathetically asks for help 24/7 and whines" *scoffs and rolls her eyes"*

"You always have to be so negative, dont you ?... yoongi threw those words in the air before he walked past her and went to his room as instructed.

"Watch how you talk to your mother " yoongi heard his father shout but as every normal teenager does he closed his door amd flipped both his middle fingers at the door imagining his parents were seeing it, thne locked his door . He plopped on his bed and whipped out his phone and texted jimin
                    ☆ text messeges ☆
Yoongi:  Hey baby are you okay??

Jimin:  yes just missing you already as usual, I just ate some dinner from the convientient store, a little something lol

Yoongi:  I'm thinking about sneaking out earlier I want to see you as much as possible before my mom decides when we move

Jimin: I'm ready for you too come over whenever your ready, I just cleaned up a bit.💋💋

( yoongi stole some of his parents money a few years back to get jimin a one bedroom apartment , he never got cuaght though his parents were rich and money flowed like water to them ) 

Yoongi: okay, I'm gonna get ready and come see you but we may have to hide somewhere in case my mother realizes I'm gone and comes looking for me 🤣🤣

Jimin: that's fine baby just be careful and make it safely. 🤭

( okay I think I'm gonna end it here  the next chapter includes smut 💋😈 )

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