Dreaming of you-ngi

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              "Jimin....jimin?....wake up jimin" a familiar voice was calling out to jimin in the distance. then a shout followed shrieking " PARK JIMIN !!! ".

Jimin seen yoongi giving high a hug and then walking away. He reached his hands out and tried running to catch up to yoongi but it felt as if he wasn't making any progress getting closer to yoongi, only more distance growing between them as everything went all black. It caused jimin to jolt awake shouting " YOONGI DONT GO " only to realize a few moments later that he was only having a dream, only an unpleasant one.

Jimin wasted no time in getting ready he brushed his teeth, quickly threw on a tshirt and some baggy Jean's and threw on his shoes. He forgot about breakfast and to do his hair, hell he even forgot to throw on some makeup,  but he didnt care. Yoongi wanted to go see yoongi as soon as he could, especially after that scary dream he just had last night.

Jimin ran all the way to school after locking up his apartment, he was in such a rush to see his papa mochi ! Jimin was just a few minutes late for school, the bell had just rang five minutes ago. Although jimin had to admit he couldnt find yoongi anywhere outside the school grounds, usually he made sure to meet jimin at the entrance so he could walk jimin to class. Today felt different though, throughout all of jimins classes he had a feeling that something was off. He couldnt focus in class becuase yoongi was all he could think of. He missed him but the day was also going  by so fast before jimin knew it is was lunch time, he rushed out to the normal spot but to his surprise no yoongi, he even closed his eyes hoping he would feel those cold fingertips creep up on his waist from behind to scare him. But when he opened his eyes there was still no yoongi. "Where the hell could he be??. Jimin was stumped and rubbing his chin thinking.

Jimin decided to go walk to yoongis apartment to see if maybe he just decided to not come to school today,, afterall they did kind of have a disagreement last night....kind of. Jimin walked up to yoongis house it looked different, his father's "just for show" car was not there anymore, it NEVER got moved before, why now? Jimin approached the windows and horror stroke his heart as he seen that inside the living room was empty. "No..its...its not tru-" choking on the last word he dashed to the front door ( haha door dash haha🤭🤷‍♀️ corny yeah but moving on I know you at least smiled ) the door was cracked and the key to the apartment was in the door knob, all jimin had to do was push the door open amd he did. He walking into the empty house jimin went straight to yoongis room ( he knew where yoongi room was becuase yoongi invited him theres sometimes to stay when his parents went on trips together, they always left yoongi behind ) the door was open and all that was left was the bed frame yoongi used to sleep on. That's when the reality hit. Yoongi was officially gone, he would probably never see his precious boyfriend again he didnt know if he wanted to cry but he also didnt want be weak from this so he decided to go back home and sleep the rest of the day away after a nice shower.

( howd I do? Am I boring you guys lol )
( next chapter coming soon real soon, working in it tonight, kind a sad though )

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