the beginning of of it all, how i got into this situation 😑

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                          ● THE PAST ●
Jimin yawned packing up his backpack once the school linchbell rang. He was in a bit of a rush to see his love yoongi. Yoongi made him so happy, yoongi was the only one who made him feel like he mattered in this cold world. Jimin didnt even have parents to support him, he used to be in foster care but ran away becuase he felt lost.

                     Jimin thought about all of that while walking to the usual lunch spot him amd yoongi shared together, but yoongi wasnt there. "Mmm why isnt he here today?" Jimin questioned aloud when two hands full of cold fingers grabbed and squeezed his waist from behind . Jimin shrieked at the feeling amd his first reaction was to turn and slap. *yelps*aHH! *slaps*!!! Upon slapping him he realized who it was, his eyes lit up in a tiny shock * jimin: "yoongi what the hell !? Jimin said with a irritated tone " why'd you scare me like that you prick ". Yoongi just stared for a sec gathering thought thinking carefully before he spoke. He expected a scared reaction but not a slap. " I was just saying hi to my mochi bear. yoongi fake cried in a goofy way. Jimin couldn't help but get over it and chuckle at his boyfriend. "Well next time try a different tactic ya goof, I'm sorry for slapping you". Yoongi smirked slightly, "forgiven if you give me a hug " *yoongi winked showing his gummi smile reaching his arms  out and waiting. Jimin didnt even answere him with words he hugged yoongi tight feeling yoongis warmth. "Are you hungry luv?" Jimin asked yoongi with care. Unfortunatly yoongis heart crumbled knowing he was about to brake his boyfriends heart. "Actually my love I...i have to talk to you about something important...can we just talk right now?" Jimin felt a bad nervous feeling in his gut, it was something about the way yoongi said it, he sounded so nervous and jimin hardly ever seen yoongi nervous. "Yes of course we can talk, what's wrong babe, did you cheat on me or something *laughs off nervously* . Yoongi laughed at the joke " hell no baby I could never cheat of you, your everything a person could want in someone to spend their life with" yoongi stroked jimins cheek with his fingers. "Then what is wrong, are you okay? " jimin was starting to be concerned although yoongis words made him blush hard asf * "well last night my mom, she said were moving very soon and I dont have any say in the matter" yoongi couldnt bare to look jimin in the eyes as he told him what was going on. Jimin however felt like the world froze and stood quiet for a second, his heart sunk listening. " moving away?..... the more jimin thought about it the quicker the tears formed amd rolled down his cheeks. "But yoongi, your all I have. I dont want to lose you, I-I can- jimin sat on the ground feeling all his emotions wash over him. Yoongi sat right in front if him amd slowely guided jimin pulling him closer into a hug. A year rolled down yoongis cheek feeling the sadness from jimin, he didnt want to have to tell him. "I'm so sorry baby, I really dont want to leave you I even asked if I can take you with me but my mom told me theres no room in the mew apartment which is bullshit but she said no. I promise the second I am able to come back to this place I'm going to find you. I promise you. I just really need you to not give up on me" jimin stopped his crying and looked up at yoongi, but yoongi linked their foreheads together. He kissed jimins lips and wiped jimi s tears and jimin wiped yoongi tears. " but what if you forget about me, what if I even get replaced " jimin asked seeking closure. Yoongi chuckled, "dont you worry about those things, I dont plan on letting anyone else as close as if let you. I dont want anyone else, and I will have you running through my mind all day everyday, it will be hard to forget that my mochi bear". Jimin laughed at yoongis answere then after taking a deep breath. "Okay I will wait for you to come back yoongi, but I will miss you so much " jimin stated holding onto yoongi. "So when do you have to move?". Yoongi kissed jimins cheek, "iim not sure my mother told me soon. Could be a week or a month I'm not too sure I can ask her although she has been ignoring me for arguing with her about moving". Jimin fixed his face as he sniffled, "well then luv we will just make the best of it til it happens". Yoongi smiled "your right " ( I'm gonna cut the chapter right here for now to take a break from typing. Forgive me.

Pero anyways, what do you all think ? Do you guys want more ?????? If you have any advice or requests lmk, I'm open to adding things that yall want into my stories ! Nothing spicy in this chapter but just you wait !;)

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