The New Childhood

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-Several years go by and the time has changed they have been through so many seasons and has seen so much drama but today is the day to start a new chapter with a child that was born through a spicy session with the skater boy named Damon who doesn't know what a condom is, they finally have a home with enough room for a family-

-Jacob an eight year old boy was running around outside playing with May who is now twelve-

Amelia: "Hey Jacob be careful with May she's a girl!"

Jacob: "Sorry mom!" -He was running around with May-

Amelia: -She was hanging up clothes up outside of her new house they just moved into-

Jacob: -He notices the neighbors son- "Who's he..."

Amelia: "Oh that's the neighbors son, he's nine years old, maybe we could go over there in a little bit to meet him and his family maybe you could make a new friend since you are at a new school district."

Jacob: "Mom do you really think he will be my friend...I still have a race car backpack..."

Amelia: "Son you are only eight years old, it's normal to still have this stuff, now when you become a teenager we can always change things up, but for right now you need to be yourself and don't worry about what other people think."

May: -She was playing on a swing in the front yard that Damon had bought them-

Jacob: -He looks back at the boy and smiles a little-

-The neighbors son was in their driveway playing basketball-

Jacob: "Mom he likes playing basketball like me!"

Amelia: -She giggles a little- "I can see that son, why don't you go over there and see if he wants to play, you two could play basketball together."

Jacob: -He slowly goes over to the neighbors house- "Hey...can I play basketball with name is Jacob and I live next door..."

-The boy looks at Jacob and smiles a little, but he was also very confused-

Miles: "Oh...hello jacob, your the boy from next door, I noticed you moving in, I got excited because I finally have a boy in this neighboorhood...sadly their is nothing but girls that live here..."

Jacob: "Do you like basketball..."

Miles: "I love basketball, I wanna become a famous basketball player one day, mom says I can do whatever I hope to do."

Jacob: "Well can I play basketball with you."

Miles: "Of course!" -He smiles and throws the ball at Jacob-

Jacob: -He smiles, takes the ball and starts playing basektball with Miles-

-After awhile Miles and Jacob are getting along, as they make jokes and talk about random memes they seen on the internet, they even talk about the new gaming console that was coming out soon-

-As the time goes by it starts getting dark outside, Jacob says bye to his new friend and heads home with a smile on his face, once he walks through the front door of his house he smells dinner cooking and he notices his dad is home from a busy day at work-

Damon: "Hey son, you seem very happy."

Jacob: "Well, I did make a friend today he lives next door, me and him played basketball today and then talked about memes and other cool things."

Damon: -He smiles a little- "Well I'm glad son, I'm glad you made a new friend today."

Amelia: -She was cooking dinner-

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