The Past Isn't Alright

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-The next morning Damon was standing in the bathroom looking at himself in the bathroom mirror while Amelia was feeding their son and making breakfast for May-

Amelia: -She is breastfeeding the baby while cooking May some eggs- "Goodness, this is difficult to do all at same time."

Damon: -He splashes water on his face- "Am...Am I going crazy?...."

Amelia: -She puts the plate of eggs in front of May after she does that she cleans herself up and puts the baby back in the crib-

Damon: "I need to stay strong for Amelia..."

Amelia: -She checks on Damon and hugs him from behind- "Hey..... are you alright...."

Damon: -He doesn't say anything as he looks at himself in the mirror-

Amelia: "Hey it will be alright I promise..."

Damon: "You sure?..."

Amelia: "Yes I'm sure just have to stay strong for me and the newborn we have, he needs his dad."

Damon: -He walks into the bedroom and looks at his son laying in his crib- "He is a cutie..."

Amelia: "Yeah...I knew that when I first seen him after the hospital visit...I couldn't help but look at him for long periods of time because I thought how lucky I was to be a mother to him and a girlfriend to you Damon"

Damon: -He smiles at Amelia- "Thanks Amelia...."

May: -She runs into the room after eating her breakfast for the day- "Me wanna go outside please.."

Amelia: "Alright May let me get dressed and get your nephew dressed and then we can go outside for a little while, so you can get your energy out and be able to take a nap later today, because without your nap you are fussy all day and that can be a little annoying at times." 

May: -She runs to her room to get her shoes on and to get her favorite doll she plays with-

Amelia: -She smiles and gets dressed once done she gets the baby dressed into something more appropriate for the weather outside, she then proceeds to get her shoes on and meets May at the door- "I'm here now May, your nephew was being cranky." -She opens the front door as May runs outside happy-

Kano: -She was sitting outside her apartment reading a book and drinking something she had gotten from Sunrise Coffee, enjoying her morning peacefully for once-

May: "Aunt Kano!" -She runs to her-

Kano: "Well hello there pumpkin, you sure are getting big." -She smiles- 

May: "Me had some eggs this morning, and juice."

Kano: "Did your sister make them for you this morning."

May: "Yes, she good cook, me got full."

Kano: -She laughs a little and smiles- "Do you like being outside, when it's not raining or storming." 

May: -She nods her head and smiles-

-Other kids from the apartment complex began going outside like usual, since it was sunny and not very many clouds was in the sky-

May: "Bye aunt Kano!" -She runs and starts playing with the other kid's-

Kano: -She stands up with her coffee in her hand and walks over to Amelia- "So how's the baby doing."

Amelia: "He's doing fine, just been a little cranky, and been eating a lot, but other than that he's doing fine."

Kano: "Well that's good, and May, she's growing fast."

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