The Visiting Day

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-The next morning Kano woke up and ate a slice of toast and opens of one of her ice coffee's in a bottle, after she is done with that she changes the baby and then makes a bottle and feeds the baby since that's something she does every morning before doing anything else, she feels very tired beacuse of how late she stayed up the prevouis night and she does regret it but she was gonna make it through the day like normal-

Adam: -He was working on the pipe in Damon's apartment- "My goodness, this is one tough pipe, and it looks very old I wonder when the last time these has been replaced."

-Kano gets dressed and gets the baby ready to leave, she gets the diaper bag ready including a baby blanket so the baby would have something just in case the baby got cold later on in the day-

-After Kano has gotten everything ready she places the baby in a carrier and then puts the stuff in the car and goes and checks on the noise coming from Damon's apartment-

Kano: "Hm?" -She holds the baby in a carrier as she looks at Adam working on the pipe-

Adam: "Oh hello there, I did not see you, I'm currently working on this pipe that is very old and rusted."

Kano: "Oh, your fine I was just seeing what was going on because of all this noise coming from this apartment."

Adam: "Is that your baby you have there, if so you have a cutie just like the mother of the baby."

Kano: "Oh, no she is not my blood child I adopted her...she was left on the bathroom floor near a trashcan in a groceray store her mother gave birth to her then left after leaving the baby."

Adam: "You are one sweet girl, I think I like you, maybe we could be a friend in the future, how about this we go get a cup of coffee next week in my day off we can go to this little cafe in town if you would like."

Kano: "You know I will think about it, shit has been crazy here latley, and I don't really hve much money left so I will think about your offer."

Adam: "I will pay for it, if you really wanna go with me."

Kano: "Like I said I will think about it, anyways I have to go vist someone I hope you have a great day Adam, and you be carful." -She smiled a little then puts the baby in the car-

Adam: "I will be careful, and I hope you agree to it because I wanna get to know a pretty lady like yourself." -He smiles at her then goes back to working on the pipe-

-Kano gets into the car and drives to the place Damon and Amelia is staying at, once she was there she parks the car and gets the baby out and puts the baby in the baby carrier-

Damon: "Mr. Sano bring that damn dog out here right now because I don't think it's a dog!!"

Kano: "Umm..what's going on Damon" -She walks over to him-

Damon: "That man in there won't bring out the dog that he has!"

Kano: "What dog?" -She looked confused-

Damon: "The one in his house that keeps knocking stuff over!"

Kano: "Damon, my father is allergic to dogs that's why we never had one when I was growing up."

Damon: "Then what the fuck is moving around in his house!"

Kano: "Maybe it's a rat, my father did have that problem a few year's back."

Damon: "Amelia has been missing since the other day..."

Kano: "......" -She goes quiet-

Mr. Sano: "Oh hey, my daughter is back to visit me and her old home."

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