Date Night

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-Kano got dressed around five-thirty and did her makeup, she then proceeded to stand outside her apartment after telling the babysitter what she needed to do, she was waiting for Adam to pick her up for her date, she was extremely nervous and excited-

Adam: -He pulls up in his car and gets out with some flowers and he was dressed very nice for the date he looked very handsome-

Kano: "You made it, like you promised." -She smiles at him-

Adam: "Of course I did, I couldn't pass the opportunity of dating a very attractive female." -He smiles at her-

Kano: -She smiles at him- "I was so ready for this date, I won't lie I was very nervous about this date because I thought it wasn't gonna happen, that has happened before...and I hated that."

Adam: "Well I am here, and I would choose you over my work any day." -He smiles at her-

-After awhile they both go to a new restaurant in town and the place looked very fancy, there was chandeliers on the ceiling and the decor looked very fancy-

-Adam takes Kano to the table he had reserved for them-

Kano: -She sits down with Adam at the table- "This place is very fancy, are you sure we can afford this, I mean we can go somewhere cheaper."

Adam: "Hey, don't need to worry I got this."

-A few minutes later the waiter comes to the table and pours them a glass of wine-

Kano: "I have never went on a fancy date like this before...."

Adam: "Hey don't worry about it, enjoy this night and relax, you deserve this night and no one will ruin that."

Kano: -She takes a sip of the wine- "Thanks...but if Amelia calls me saying she's hurt I will leave and help her because she is like a sister to me.."

Adam: "I understand, and if something like that happens I will help you."

-The waiter brings a small basket full of bread sticks to the table-

Kano: -She looks at the menu and eats a bread stick after grabbing one-

Adam: -He looks at the menu- "'s hard to choose which one to get."

-People at other tables looked like they was from a upper class, they looked like they carried a lot of money on them, they was wearing designer clothes and the women had designer handbags next to their tables-

-Several hours after they have eaten dinner they go for a walk in the park and Kano feels like this love will last longer then the others, she feels very confident-

Adam: -He holds Kanos hand as they walk through the park together, he can't stop smiling-

Kano: "Thanks for all of this Adam, I am really enjoying my night with you."

Adam: "No problem, would you like to go back to my place with me and we can relax for awhile."

Kano: "Sure why not, you seem like a very safe guy to be around."

Adam: "Why do you say it like that?"

Kano: "Well you never know, you hear about girls going to a guys place and they end up dead and is found later on by someone else who stumbled onto the body."

Adam: "Yeah, makes sense but I promise I will make sure your safe."

-Adam takes Kano to his house and as they enter the home Kano is very surprised on how clean his home was-

Adam: -He pours them two a glass of wine as he sits next to Kano on the couch-

Kano: "This place is very nice, and very comfortable, I wouldn't mind staying her for a while."

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