Lost My Mind

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-The Apartment complex was silent, and it felt like everything was put on pause and the world stopped moving-

Kano: -She enters her apartment not saying a word, she heads straight to her bathroom locking the door-

Amelia: -She sits on the bed wrapped in the blanket trying to calm May down-

Kano: -She takes a shower, letting the water run down her face and body, she washes away the blood on her hands-

Amelia: -She lay's May on the bed and covers her up with the blanket since it was late- "It's gonna be ok May, just get some rest."

Kano: -She finishes her shower then walks out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel- "Amelia....you will never have deal with him again." -She takes the towel off and gets dressed-

Amelia: "Kano...what do you mean?" -She looks at Kano-

Kano: -She puts her panties and bra on- "I beat the shit out of Mark....with my baseball bat, my anger took over."

Amelia: "You killed him?!"

Kano: "Well yeah my anger took over and I basically lost my mind." -She puts her shirt and skirt on- "Oh and why did he attack you Amelia."

Amelia: "Well...I had got a notification that someone wanted a full sex session for $120, so i said ok....I got ready and waited for them...and when he got there it was Mark....I refused him services and he snapped and attacked me..."

Kano: "I never liked that man, he's an asshole that can't keep it in his pants, almost like my ex."

Amelia: "I'm supposed to meet some other guy but I don't have anything....sexy...if you know what I mean...."

Kano: "Oh you mean lingerie, well I have a whole box of them that have never been used."

Kano: -She hands her a sexy red laced two piece lingerie set- "Use that maybe your client will like that, he may come back for seconds."

Amelia: "Well I hope so, he's really rich his father owns a multi-million dollar business."

Kano: "Well damn, you better get your ass dressed and you better get yourself looking sexy as fuck."

-Damon was standing outside the apartment and he heard the conversation, he almost felt heartbroken something he hasn't felt in a long time, he then walks away and goes to his apartment-

Amelia: "Kano have you done this before."

Kano: "Sweetheart, I had the guy's on their knees begging for me in high school, I lost my virginity behind the high school building, with some random nerd who was shaking the whole time while having sex, that was the worst."

Amelia: "How old are you Kano?"

Kano: "I am 20 almost 21, I have seen and done so much shit that my own mother was scared of me."

Amelia: "Can I leave May here while I go to my client."

Kano: "Sure why not."

-Amelia thanks Kano and leaves for awhile-

Kano: -She cleans her apartment, but she couldn't stop thinking about Tal-

-Someone knocks on Kano's front door-

Kano: -She sighs and opens the door- "Oh, it's you...what do you want."

Tiffany: "Oh..umm..have you seen Vilasco...he isn't home."

Kano: "No I haven't seen him, I've been busy."

Tiffany: "Oh..I wanted to surprise him.."

Kano: "Ok." -She closes the door-

-Tiffany heads back to Vilasco's apartment-

Kano: -Hears May crying, she picks her up and starts singing a little while rocking her back to sleep-

-After awhile Kano ends up falling asleep on her bed holding May as she was asleep as well-

-Back at Damon's apartment, Damon was breaking and destroying stuff in anger he, he then curls up in his bed and screams into his pillow then he starts crying a little-

Damon: "I shouldn't feel this way....we aren't even dating yet...I just have grown close to her." -He holds his pillow tightly-

Damon: "I don't like what she's doing....she is carrying my son or daughter.....I don't want what she is doing to hurt our baby...."

-Damon lay's on his bed for awhile, he eventually looks at his phone and scrolls through his social media-

-While Kano sleeps in her apartment she has a bad dream of her father who wasn't a good person, in her dream she sees her little sister running and screaming for help, she sees herself trapped in her childhood bedroom-

Kano: -She quickly wakes up and heads to the bathroom and looks in the mirror, she realized it was just a dream- "Shit....I don't wanna remember that again...."

-Kano calms down gets a glass of water then sits on her bed, her heart was still racing but she kept herself calm-

-May was sound asleep on Kano's bed since it was late-

-Kano finishes drinking her glass of water then she heads to bed with May, she was not in the mood to see Tal, she just wanted to sleep-

Part 11 next!

Facebook: Amber Meiza
Tik tok: despairqueen28

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