Broken Pipes

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-Kano was in her apartment asleep after taking a shower and taking care of the baby, but Damon and Amelia was wide awake and they was hanging out watching movies and eating snacks since Amelia was craving something to eat due to the baby that was growing inside her and Damon just wanted a snack because he just felt like it-

Amelia: -She is eating the popcorn Damon had made as she is also watching a movie that damon had rented from some cheap shop in town with the money he had earned from his job-

Damon: -Slowly places his hand on Amelia's thigh near her pussy-

Amelia: "Hm?, Damon are you needing something because your hand is really close to one of my hidden places."

Damon: -He kisses her on the neck- "Maybe I need your help with curing my case of horny, and this can go away with you and me."

Amelia: "Hehe, you are so terriable at telling me your horny but that's why I like you." -She smiles-

Damon: "Ok sexy." -He smiles getting undressed, then proceeds to get Amelia undressed- "Oh damn, you are so fucking sexy even with that baby bump."

Amelia: "Hehe, you think so?" -She smiles at him-

Damon: "Oh i'm sure." -Gently places her on his dick letting it slip inside her-

Amelia: -She lets out a moan in pleasure-

Damon: -He moves her up and down letting out a small grunt while holding onto her hips-

Amelia: -She moans a little louder then before enjoing the plesure-

-A pipe from the ceiling starts leaking a little while Amelia and Damon have sex-

Damon: "Oh fuck Amelia you are so tight, oh shit I love you." -He moans and grunts a little while moving her up and down on his dick-

Amelia: -She moans loudly- "I love you too Damon, oh god I missed this, please don't stop."

-The pipe keeps leaking but this time it has gotten more worse-

Damon: -He grunts and moans a little- "Oh I won't stop my love." -He keeps moving her up and down-

Amelia: -She moans loudly enjoying this moment-

-The pipe in the cealing bursts open spraying water everywhere-

Damon: "What the hell?!" -He stops moving Amelia and quickly gets her and him outside-

Kano: "Damn Damon put your dick away no one wants to see that!"

Damon: "Well look away me and Amelia got flooded with water from a busted pipe!"

Grace: "Oh well look at that he is the perfect size for me."

Kano: "Bitch stay the fuck back!" -She goes over and wraps a blanket around Damon and Amelia- "This should help you two stay hidden and warm."

-Damon stands there hugging Amelia trying to keep her warm-

-Kano is trying to call the front office to the apartment complex but no one will answer even the twenty-four hour line-

Kano: "Ok you two, I might have a place for you to stay but you can't tell anyone about this because if you do my ass will be in the ground six feet under." -She calls a friend that she has known for a very long time-

-Damon is still hugging amelia trying to keep her warm-

Kano: "Ok, they said you two can stay there but please do not do anything stupid that involves the police, they already have enugh shit to deal with, I will take you there and they will give you clothes, food, water and a nice warm bed to sleep in, these people are nice but they house people that are struggling with drugs or other thing's that I would not question they don't like the police because some of these people have criminal records or they have warrents for their arrest."

-Awhile goes by and Kano arrives at this huge settlement with several homes and a small doctor's office-

Mr. Sano: "Welcome back home daughter, you need a place to stay or do you need some advice from your old man and don't you think it's a bit late to be out here it's almost midnight."

Kano: "No father, I have two friend's that need a place to live, their apartment got ruined by some broken pipes and they have no clothes with them, so is there a room avalabile for them oh and one of them is pregnant."

Mr. Sano: "Oh, yes we do but the room is in the basment of house one it has a full size bedroom with a bathroom but they would have to stay in the house with five other people if that's fine."

Kano: "That's fine father, they won't be here long just eneugh until their apartment is done."

-Both Damion and Amelia head to the home and to there room-

Shadow: "Oh hey we got someone new!"

Mia: "Yay! someone to play with!"

-Kano heads home after getting Damon and Amelia settled in-

Shadow: "Oh damn, she's pregnant, she must be a vey busy girl."

Mia: "Hey Mr. shadow, I can't find my teddy bear...i'm scared without her..."

Shadow: "Don't worry, we will find it who knows it may be in training to protect you." -He pats her on the head-

Amelia: -She is in her room with Damon and she gets dressed then goes out to meet the other's- "Umm...hello my name is Amelia and I will be staying here for a bit I hope that's ok.."

Shadow: "Oh hello Amelia, my name is Damianos but the other's call me shadow due to my background, but call me whatever you like I don't mind."

Amelia: "Alright..."

Mia: "My name is Mia!" -She laughs and smiles-

Amelia: "Oh name is Amelia."

Mia: "Have you met the other's! they are so nice!" -She smiles-

Amelia: "Oh sorry...I haven't because I just got here and my partner is downstairs getting dressed...we will probably look around this place in the morning."

Damon: -He walks upstairs after he gets dressed and hugs Amelia from behind- "I'm glad we are ok now darling, you was cold eairler and now you are warm and i'm glad of that."

Amelia: -She smiles a little- "I'm glad you are here with me and not back at the apartments, I would feel lonley without you."

Damon: "I know darling, and i'm here with you and our son that you are carrying in your womb, how about you go rest and I will have a look around." -He kisses her-

Amelia: -She kisses back- "Ok..but please get some rest in a little bit, I don't want you to be tired in the morning."

Damon: "I will get some sleep later, please don't worry that little head of yours."

Amelia: "Good night dear..." -She heads back downstairs and heads to bed-

Damon: -He explores the house noticing a lot of books and other ways of entertainment-

Camilia: "Well hello, handsom, you must be the new guest would you like a drink,"

Damon: -He sits at the mini bar- "Sure, I could use one drink, me and Amelia my girl was having a good time when some pipe busted in our apartment and we had no other place to go so a friend reccomended us this place."

Camilia: -She hands him a drink- "Oh my, sounds like you had a rough night, you know I could ease your mind." -She fixes her shirt reavealing her boobs a little-

Damon: -Takes a sip of his drink- "Umm.. no thanks my girl is the only thing I will ever focuse on...i'm sorry but....i will pass..."

Shadow: "I will take that offer!"

Camilia: "Shadow leave me alone!!, i'm working!!"

Damon: "You know what i'm gonna head to bed I am a little tired..." -He heads downstairs and goes to bed next Amelia-

-Everyone in the house was doing their own thing but Shadow was still trying to flirt with Camilia but she was not giving him the time of day-

Part 20 next!

Facebook: Amber Meiza
Tik Tok: despairqueen28

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