Motherhood Is Near

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-Several months go by and Amelia is now about six months into her pregnancy, she is halfway through her pregnancy and thing's are getting more difficult to handle and damon has gotten more stressed especially since the baby is almost here-

Damon: -Stands near his car and secretly smokes a cigarette-

Kano: "What are you doing out here?" -She looks at Damon-

Damon: "Shit- please don't tell Amelia I am very stressed and I needed at least one smoke to calm me down, the baby will be here in three month's and I don't have enugh time to prepare myself for this big moment, I still need to get the baby crib put together for our son."

Kano: "Oh stop freaking out I won't tell her, one smoke won't bother you, and the big day is coming up quickly isn't it."

Damon: "Oh yeah, and Amelia has been having back pain here latley and she has been peeing a lot more then she has at the begenning of her pregnancy, she is ready for this pregnancy to be over with because she is so sleepy and tired because she wakes up all hour's of the night using the bathroom and the pain she feels when the baby kicks at two in the morning."

Kano: "yeah she took a nap when I visted her the other day while you was a work, I got her some extra pillows for support so she would feel more comfortable sleeping on her side."

Damon: "Yeah I let her use my pillows, I'm so ready to see my son, I hope he looks like me with all the good looks."

Kano: "Hehe, yeah right, I hope he looks like Amelia she is the pretty one around here i'm suprised you even got her."

Damon: "Well, honestly I can't really answer that we had sex and then I fell in love with her but i'm not really sure if she likes me enugh to call her mine, she is so intrested in her job ths doesn't see how much someone love's her i'm willing to do anything to make her mine even if that means I have to marry her...I love her so much I just can't see her having sex with diffrent men when she has someone that will pleasure her for free...she is such an amazing girl and she just doesn't know that...and there is no telling what these perverts would do to her if she did a job with the wrong person...there is so many bad people out there and it makes me worry so much...."

-A skinny black haired girl walks out of her apartment-

Grace: "Oh hello Damon, you looking very handsome today." -She smiles and winks at him-

Damon: "Oh please leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you...I already have a girl, and you know this, just because we had a thing two year's ago...I would never love you again, and plus I have a baby on the way with my girl she is having a healthy baby boy.."

Grace: "Oh come on, your girl would never know about us, we can keep it a secret, I mean your girl can't do anything with you right now if she is pregnant, you can't get what you want and a man need's love too you know and plus she may have something because she stands on the street corner begging men to have sex with her for a dollar or two, so she is no good but me on the other hand i'm very tight and you would really enjoy it, what man wouldn't like that oh and yes you can be rough but you can't climax inside me."

Damon: "Grace...leave me the fuck alone I have a girl, and we do have sex even during her pregnancy she would not make me suffer for nine month's...Amelia is not like that she is very kind and caring you know, she was never like you at least she shows me what a real man is unlike you I had to do everything right and if i didn't I would not get to sleep in bed with you..and plus you wanted sex...and I wanted to wait for awhile because I was only sixteen at the time..."

Grace: "So you are choosing that whore over me someone who isn't pregant, someone who has a perfect little body."

-Damon goes quiet and he is pissed off-

Kano: "Hey can you back off he said he has a girl who is pregnant can't you understand that, he doesn't want you!"

-Grace looks at Kano and slaps Kano across the face causing Kano to fall to the ground-

Grace: "Stay out of this bitch!"

-Kano looks super pissed off_

Kano: ""

Grace: "Yes I did bitch!"

-Grace and Kano starts physically fighting each other-

Damon: "Hey!" -He tries to break them apart-

Amelia: "......." -She watches them, and heared everything that just happened-

-Damon still tries to break them apart but end's up getting kicked in the balls by Grace and Kano on accident-

Damon: "Ow!, fuck!" -He falls to the ground in pain- "Fuck those girls have a good kick!"

-The two girls continue to fight each other-

-Amelia goes over to Damon and helps him up and he was still in pain-

-A guy from maintenance runs over to the girl's and stops them-

???: "Hey you two, calm down before you kill each other."

Kano: "That bitch hit me!"

Grace: "You deserved it!"

???: "No one deserves to be beat up, one of you should have just walked away because the cops wuld have been called and people in this apartment complex hates the cops trust me I have been working here with my father since I was sixteen."

-Amelia takes Damon inside and gets him an ice pack-

???: I should introduce myself, my name is Adam, I don't really stop by one of the residents are complaining about a leaking pipe in a abthroom so I have to get it fixed before we get another right up by the health department."

Adam: "You two should go cool down and maybe get bandaged up so that way you won't get an infection."

Kano: "Yeah...your right Adam, sorry for the disturbance."

Adam: "it's fine no need to apologize but please don't let it happen again."

Kano: -She goes to her apartment and cleans herself up and then checks on the baby and notices the baby is still asleep in her crib-

-In Damon's apartment Amelia gave Damon an ice pack to help with the pain-

Damon: "Those girl's have a strong kick...fuck it hurts...."

Amelia: "Do you know that Grace girl dear or is she an old friend of yours."

Damon: "She is a girl, I knew before you moved here, we used to mess around not by sex but we would touch each other for pleasure, after awhile we broke up because she was starting to be really mean and would not let me do anything and if I did do something she would accuse me of cheating on her then we would get into this huge argument about stupid shit, and now she is jealous because I have you in my life and I don't want no one else."

Amelia: "Aww, I do like you Damon you are a nice guy to be around and of course you are the father of this baby i'm carrying. please don't let that girl bother you too much and if it gets worse we will press charges so she won't bother you anymore."

Damon: "Hey Amelia, when my balls feel better can we have some alone time again please, I miss your touch and you do turn me on honestly."

Amelia: "Hehe of course Damon we can have some alone time together, but lets do it at night so people won't bother us when we do have sex."

Damon: "Yeah, It's more fun at night when it's quiet and calm."

-A few hours go by and the kids that was outside are now in their apartment because it starts raining everyone else was minding your own business, and plus it was getting late, and the apartment complex has gone quiet-

Part 19 next!

Facebook: Amber Meiza
Tik Tok: despairqueen28

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