The Skater Boy

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Amelia: -She wakes up from her long sleep, music was playing outside it sounded like rock music-

Kano: "Damon turn that fucking music down please!"

Damon: -He was riding around on his skateboard- "Oh did I hear something?"

Kano: "Damon I know you hear me!"

Damon: "Damn woman what's your problem today."

Kano: "I was trying to sleep!"

Damon: "At 10 am, was you up fucking your boy toy last night."

Kano: "Damon that's none of your business!"

Damon: "Hehehe why so angry?"

Kano: -She went quiet not knowing what to say-

Vilasco: "Hey you two, can you please be more quiet, my girl is trying to feed me and her four month old, and the yelling isn't helping."

Damon: "Vilasco couldn't keep it in his pants for five minute's that's why he has a child, bro doesn't even know what protection is."

Kano: "Damon!"

Vilasco: "Damon I do know what that is, we just wanted to take a step further."

Damon: "whatever."

Amelia: -She looks out her window- "Oh my goodness there is that handsome boy I seen the other day, he's so fine."

Vilasco: "Damon you don't have to be so rude, we don't need that."

Damon: "What I can't hear you over the music!"

Kano: -She sighs- "Sorry Vilasco he can be an asshole someone."

Vilasco: "It's fine Kano, no need to apologize about it."

Kano: "Anyways, how is the baby?"

Vilasco: "She's doing fine, so Is my girl even though she is always busy."

Kano: "That happens with a baby, you will get a bit busy."

Vilasco: "Her pregnancy was hard for her, she was always hurting in her back and the morning sickness, she didn't like that so much but we got through it and now we have a beautiful baby girl."

Kano: "I know she's adorable, you and your girl made a beautiful baby together."

Damon: "Hey you weirdos, shut up already!"

Kano: "Damon!"

James: -He walks out of the apartment and grabs Kano's ass and kisses her neck-

Kano: -She moans a little- "Not right now James~"

James: "Please Kano~."

Kano: "You wanna have sex again, like right now?"

James: -He nods his head pulling Kano into the apartment-

Damon: "eww, what the fuck."

Amelia: -Keeps looking our her window at Damon-

-Meanwhile downstairs in apartment 37-

Kano: "James we did this last night, why do you wanna do this again, I have thing's to do today, and plus I have to help Vilasco, his girl has to go somewhere and he requested me to help with the baby."

James: -Unbuttons Kano's shirt while she was talking-

Kano: "hm?, are you listening to me?"

James: -Lifts up Kano's skirt and moves her panties to the side-

Kano: "umm..hello?"

James: "mmm~ babe stop talking~."

Kano: -She doesn't say anything and just looks at James-

James: -Kisses Kano on the neck while grabbing her tits-

Kano: "James, I have stuff to do today" -She felt his bulge in his pants- "Holy shit."

James: "Hehehe I couldn't help it."

Damon: -Knocks on the apartment door- "Hurry your ass up in there!, Vilasco needs your help Kano!"

Kano: "Give me a second Damon!"

Damon: "Hell no!, you fucked last night so come on!"

Kano: -She sighs but then she felt throbbing inside her- "I c-can't right now Damon!"

James: -he moves her up and down making his dick go deep inside her-

Kano: -She moans loudly trying to cover her mouth-

Damon: "Kano!, let's go!, you are wasting time!'

Kano: -Keeps moaning as the pleasure she was feeling felt nice-

Damon: -He sighs loudly- "I guess I will wait!"

Vilasco: "umm...Damon is Kano gonna help me..."

Damon: "She's having sex, I think, I seen her boyfriend grab her ass and then they disappeared into the apartment."

-Inside the apartment James was getting faster as he was holding onto Kano's hips-

Kano: "Please don't stop~!" -She moans loudly, forgetting hoe loud she was-

James: -Keeps going- "Someone likes this~"

Kano: "Oh fuck~!"

Damon: "Shut the hell up in there, your louder then my damn music!"

Vilasco: "Calm down Damon let them be, if you don't like it go to your apartment."

Damon: -Doesn't say anything and ignores Vilasco-

-Inside apartment 37, James keeps getting faster and faster, then he takes it out and cums all over her-

Kano: -She cums on him, she was also out of breath- "Oh shit, poor Damon has been standing outside this whole time.."

James: -He kisses her then gets himself dressed and leaves for work-

Kano: -Gets herself cleaned up and gets dressed as well, her pussy felt numb after that- "I probably traumatized Damon, I just got caught up in the moment." -She then leaves her apartment to help Vilasco-

Vilasco: "hm?, oh hello Kano I didn't mean to bother you, if you was busy."

Kano: "No it's fine I'm free now." -She smiled at him-

Damon: -Goes to his apartment pissed off at Kano and stays there for awhile-

Sorry for so much NSFW stuff!

This is how the story will go on so please read with caution

Facebook: Amber Meiza
Tik tok: despairqueen28

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