"Please be slow, previous time you almost push me" Taehyung clarified while dgp didn't respond.

Taehyung with unclear scrunching brows stared at officer through reflector when he didn't get any reply,
He with offended face muttered...

" Excuse me! I'm talking to you Mr. Annoying"

Again ignore.

Taehyung with irritating face blurted...

"aren't you deliberately behaving stubborn?Can't you just forgive me moreover I offer you to join me at fair.........Mr think yourself lucky that I offered you other I don't prefer to let someone stand beside me"

Again ignore, taehyung glared at him who still didn't take his glance. Caremist role his eyes before muttering...

"Whatever, just be slow"



Whole journey was silent, twenty min passed that taehyung blabbered, amid twenty no one voice out anything. Taehyung calmly staring at pass over trees, houses and field.

" Respect , I have so much admiration for this word. I despised those who can't defined the value of it. Like that, I don't like when someone disrespect me. disrespect their elder. Disrespecting elder only stained your pure image nothing else boy. "

Dgp speak, he coldly let out still looking ahead however, lastly halted to peeked in plan eyes of potter through glass.

Dgp again continue...

"Despite our bitter bond, I'm still older than you taehyung. You shouldn't have insult me that day, at least should have respect my age. I know you are sensible boy and respect everyone, if someone else would be at your place, I would have slapped him hard to taught him lesson."

Taehyung blankly stared at him, then looked down apologizing...

"Sorry" he whispered, jungkook stop mtt 420 still gawking at beauty and respond in low tone..

"get off"

Taehyung confusedly stared at him, he looking front cleared...

"we reach"

Taehyung gazed at his surrounding and get off , jungkook turned to him and suggested...

" You go ahead, I will park bike" taehyung "hmm" and silently marched inside fair and paused for waiting dgp

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" You go ahead, I will park bike" taehyung "hmm" and silently marched inside fair and paused for waiting dgp.






Waiting almost ten minutes, dgp still didn't enter inside. Taehyung frequently ogling at wrist watch, he mumbled with sigh...

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