Chapter 34 - I want to make everything up to him

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Lawson was waiting by the entrance of the car park, again. I nudged Sarah's arm and made her look in the direction of where he was standing waiting for me, again.

Sarah: quickly, my car is just over there

I found out that Lawson could tell it was me from a long distance cause he shouted over at me and Sarah.

Olivia: Damn

Sarah: Pretend you didn't hear him and keep walking

Olivia: It's too late, I'm going to set everything straight, wait for me in the car yeah?

Sarah: Sure, good luck Livi

I watched as Sarah got into her car and then I turned my head to see Lawson walking before me.

Lawson: Fancying coming with me and going out for a drive?

Olivia: Lawson, we have to talk about when you leave

Lawson: That won't be for quite a while

Olivia: You have to leave as soon as possible

Lawson: I came here to get to know my daughter, and I'm not leaving until I do that

Olivia: Listen, I know that you're hurt after what happened between you and your girlfriend, and losing your baby and everything but I -

Lawson: Listen Olivia, I know I'm not your dad, and I probably will never be your dad because I can never come as close to how amazing your dad is. But I want to try, I'm trying to turn my life upside down, I want to be able to say that I've done good before I die, I want to be a good dad to you, Olivia

Olivia: But that doesn't mean you have to pick me up every day after school, or phone me at night to say goodnight, or text me every morning to see if I'm wake and ready for school. 

Lawson: I know, but I've not got time to waste, I want to spend the rest of my time with you Olivia,

Olivia: What do you mean the rest of your time? 

Lawson: Do you not remember the first time you saw me?

Olivia: Of course I do, I can't get it out of my head, even if Ii try really hard to

Lawson: Don't you remember that I had a head full of hair?

Olivia: Yeah, but I just thought you shaved it or something

Lawson: I'm sick Liv, I have been for the past 2 months

Olivia: wh-what?

Since Lawson has been here, this was the first time I had cried, I cried in my real dad's arms until I felt sorry for what I had put him through the past couple of weeks. I said to Sarah that I wanted to spend time with him and she understood. I only had a month left with him before he had to go back to Ohio, only a month left with him until I could never see him again. I want to try and make everything up to him, I want to make up for the time we've lost together.

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