Chapter 30 - I'll always be your dad

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Olivia: There's no point in trying Robert, they've made their decision

I was on the phone with Robert as I packed up my stuff. A great Friday this turned out to be. 

Robert: You can fight though

Olivia: How can I? My mom can either kept her family or lose the love of her life. I'm letting her be happy by moving back to Ohio

Robert: There has to be an other way

Olivia: There's not, listen I better get on with this packing, I'll talk to you later

I hanged up on him before he could stop me. But I really wish there was something I could do to stop myself moving back to Ohio...

*Austin's Point of View*

Michele: Have you heard from Olivia yet then?

I was eating my tea, mac and cheese, with mom in the living room. I've tried texting Livi but she's just not replying to me.

Austin: Nope, I've texted her but she's not replied

Michele: Try phoning?

Austin: No, she might be celebrating with her family, I'll just leave it for now

"AustinMahone: Olivia, is everything okay, is everything back to normal?"

"OliviaSamels: No, thanks to you, I've going back home to Ohio. Hope you're happy."

What? She's having to move back to Ohio, that wasn't the plan at all. What have I done? I've ruined everything for sure now.

*Next morning*

I quickly throw on my t-shirt and head downstairs to tell my mum where I was going. I kissed her on the cheek and headed over to Olivia's house. I was gonna make everything good again. As I ran round the corner to Olivia's street and reached her doorstep, I got my breath again and knocked on her door a couple of time but then her mom opened the door.

Austin:  Hi Stacey, is Colin in?

Stacey: Hello dear, yes he's in the living room, come on in

Austin: Thank you

I walked into their living room and saw Colin reading a newspaper, like he always is if I'm over.

Austin: Colin?

Colin: Austin, what are you doing here this early? You're normally sleeping at this time

Austin: I know, but I really needed to speak with you

Colin: It's okay Austin, We're back to normal, me and Stacey have worked it out

Austin: But that means that Olivia has to move to Ohio?

Colin: Oh

Austin: why are you sending her away?

Colin: Because I don't want to face the lie everyday

Austin: It's not Olivia's fault though, it's Stacey's, she's the one who slept with someone else and never told you about it.

Colin: I don't want to hear anymore from you, out!

He stood up from where he was sitting and started to push me out into the hallway.

Austin: No!

Colin: I bet you pardon?

Austin: Olivia has never wished for a better dad than you, you're the one who brought her up! That loves her! That cares for her! It doesn't matter if your not her biological father, you'll always be her dad and no one can ever take that away from you. Just think about that Colin before you send her off to Ohio where you'll never see her again.

Colin: Out!

He shoved me out of his house and left me on his doorstep. Maybe I shouldn't have shouted at him, maybe that was a bit much. Maybe I've gone too far now...

*Back to Olivia's point of view*

As I got out of the shower, and was getting changed into my outfit for today, I heard arguing for downstairs, I ignored it and did my make-up and just left my hair the normal way. I picked up my suitcase bag that had most of my clothes in it along with my laptop and it's changer. Mom was gonna ship all my other stuff at the end of next week.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, mom and dad were standing by the door. I guess they were in a rush to get rid of me or something.

Olivia: Are we going then?

Colin: No

Olivia: What?

Stacey: You've changed your mind?

Colin: Yes, he made me think of what really matters

Who's the 'he' that made him change his mind? Austin? No it couldn't have been.

Olivia: Who?

Colin: Austin

Olivia: Austin?

Colin: Yes, he made me realise what I had, and what I brought up. Even if I'm not your biological father that doesn't matter, 'cause i'll always be your dad. I'll always love you, and I'm sorry that I was going to send you away to Ohio, sweetie.

I dropped my bag just beside my left foot as he was saying that and I couldn't help but have a smile on my face. I walked into my dad's arms and hugged him as tight as possible. I've got my dad back, and my family back together.

Our Teenager YearsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin