Chapter 31 - Apologizes

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I left my parents in their normal position, dad reading the newspaper and mom watching the TV. I grabbed my hoodie from the coat's stand and walked out the door. I got my family back to normal, I had to get everything else back to normal, starting with Austin. 

I knocked on his front door and Michele had answered it.

Michele: Hello Sweetie, what are you doing here?

Olivia: Come to see Austin, if he's here

Michele: Yes, he's here, he's up in his room

She let me in and said I could just go up to his room. I walked up the stairs and knocked on his bedroom door.

Austin: Come on

When I walked in he was watching TV on his bed. He didn't look at me to see who had come in, he probably thought it was his mom or something. 

Olivia: Hi

That's when he looked around and that's when a smile appeared on his face and he stood up and turned his TV on mute.

Austin: Olivia, what are you doing here?

Olivia: I've come to say sorry

Austin: What are you sorry about? I should be the one to say sorry, I was the one who made Colin come back and then he made you move back to Ohio. It's all my fault

Olivia: But if it wasn't for you, then I won't have got my dad back. It's cause of you I'm not moving back to Ohio

Austin: You're not moving?

Olivia: No

Austin had a huge smile on his face and ran into me and hugged me and span me around room. He placed me down onto the ground and looked me straight into my eyes.

Austin: Now that made my day there Livi

Olivia: I think this'll made your day even better

I brought my hand from his arms to the back of his neck and kissed him passionately on his lips. He snaked his hands from my hips to around my waist and span me around again.

*At Alex's house*

Olivia: I'm sorry guys, I really didn't want to push you's away, and I'm sorry I did,  really am

Tyler: Liv, it's okay, we all knew how hard it was for you at home

Sarah: And we're all just glad that everything is back to normal

Olivia: So you guys forgive me?

Zach: Of course Livi!

Robert: Group hug!

We all did what Robert shouted at the top of his lungs. I pretty much guess everything is back to normal. Let's hope nothing else crops up on the scene.

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