Chapter 8 The Show Begins

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Abbygails P.o.v
Me and Moon step onto the stage he sits down at the piano bench and I stand center and adjust the microphone.I take a deep breathe and look at Moon he nods he gives me a nod of encouragement then I lift my head and began singing Why Don't You Stay By Jeff Satur.I start singing while looking out into the packed audience putting all my feelings and emotions into this song.And everyone fades away as I focus on the poetry im singing.

"We can live forever why don't we just stay, stay."
As soon as I get finished singing that last line it goes so quiet you could literally hear a pin drop.I step forward and bow to the audience.As soon as I lift my head im met with applause from everywhere in the room,I hear cheers and I see everyone stand up and give me a standing ovation even the mentors.I smile softly greatful for everyone here. Then Moon comes up next to me and gesture towards him and I appauld him for accompanying me and we both walk off stage into the dress room.

"You sounded amazing." Moon pulls me into a hug and smiles at me.

"You sounded beautiful as well thank you for playing alongside me.This was challenging for the both of us but because of you we sounded amazing."

"You're so humble."

"Thank you." Max storms into the room like there's a fire on his butt. He pulls me into a hug.

"You sounded beautiful out there im so honored to be your manager."

"Stop it the honor is all mine.Thank you for booking this for me." He pats my back and we all turn to the screen waiting for our entrance.

"Your definitely winning this episode for sure."

"Moon thank you but everyone here is so talented it definitely won't be me winning."

"Girl stop being humble you were amazing it has to be you if its not it was rigged." I shake my head and continue watching.

"And now I will be announcing the winner of tonight's first episode of hidden figures." The audience began screaming with excitement.

"The winner of episode one of hidden figures and that will be joining us now is................ ABBYGAIL HEARTS!"
We all scream backstage they push me towards the stairs and I walk onto the stage with the host of the show.

"Congratulations Abbygail not only will you be winning the episode but you will also have some benefits and an advantage." I smile excited,I didn't know that the winner of this episode got a prize.

"You will be receiving a 5,000 dollar prize and you will be able to pick which room you'll be staying in at the hotel and which partner you will have for the next challenge."

"Thank you so much, im honored to be here.Big thanks to Moon for accompanying me on the piano he sounded amazing." I smile and the audience applauds.They take a picture with me and the host before sending the girls back on stage.

"Okay everyone the next challenge will be an acting challenge and you will be randomly paired up with partners and Abbygail will be the only one who gets to choose her match.But before that I do have a special suprise." We all look at him anxiously and excited hoping it's a good thing.

"In edition to staying in the dorm and having partners we also have one more thing to give you..... You all will be split up into different teams and the leader of your teams will be none other than the fabulous mentors we have sitting before you.How this next phase works is you will not know who your mentor is until next week.When you walk into the meeting room you will find your mentor sitting in the middle." We all looked shocked we didn't know that we would get a chance to be able to work with the mentors.

"Alright mentors do you have anything to say." All of the mentors shake their head except for Apo. He grabs the mic and turns it on.

"If you're in my group get ready, because the real show has is about to start." He smiles sinisterly and looks straight at me. I know that the show has just started but I already wanna quit.

"And thats all for today everyone. Congratulations Abbygail Hearts&Moon we'll be seeing you all next friday.Stay Tuned and have a good night!"

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