Chapter 2 Say No To This

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Abbygails P.o.v
After the "talk" the director that I still can't remember the name of left for break.Leaving us on the cold floor of the dressing room hands still seated awkwardly together.I try to remove our hands.But Apo just swats my hand back down into his,keeping it intertwined with his long and slender fingers.

" Listen I don't like being here with you and I definitely don't want to touch you in any way. Let's get this shoot over with so I can leave." He says in a very cold detached tone.I look him up and down and roll my eyes.Why are the prettiest guys always so mean? You would think they would be happy to exist.

"Fine." I keep holding his hand while using my other hand to drink water.He pulls on my right hand causing the bottle to fall.

"Was that nessasary?" I say frustration pouring out of me in waves.

"Do you see me with water or tea?" Apo says while looking very uninterested by my frustration.

" And exactly what does that have to do with me?" I raise my eyebrow at him for his behavior.

"I will ignore this attitude for now. Let's get to know eachother.Ask me questions." He stares into my eyes with not an ounce of care for my response.

"Why are you so rude?" I ask him seriously wanting to get to know why he behaves like a spoiled rich boy.

"Is that your question?" He asks me with no frustration or irritation on his face just disinterest.

"Will you provide an answer?" I say back immediately before he changes his mind.

"Sure, because I can afford to be. Can you?" He says in a snappy tone.

" I could but I choose not to. Because i'm not a diva like you." I was always told that I was one but I never saw it in my previous behavior.

"I've watched you and listened to your music before.You definitely can be a diva." Apo says

"Wait you've heard of me before?" I say completely shocked I never guessed that someone as well known as him had seen me preform.

"Don't act naive or stupid everyone here has seen you or atleast heard of you." Although his words are mean I was still flabbergasted that he knew who I was

"Wow in a strange way I take your last sentence as a compliment I never knew that people from other countries would know me.It's kinda surreal"

"Congratulations you are well known and disliked." Apo says disinterest still shown on his face.

"What! By who?" I say completely shocked I was never rude to fans or gotten into any scandals.My life has been completely clean of cancelations.Atleast for now.

"By me of course " he says almost instantaneously

"Yea I can live without the likes of one pretty boy."

"You can.But can you live peacefully?"

"So if you didn't like me why would you do this shoot?"

"I was asked to and told that a rising star from the states would be coming.I was excited and couldn't wait for this shoot.Until I saw you." His words as mean as they are stil had no effect on me.After I saw the way he treated his manger I knew that all the admiration I had for him was gone.

"So are you like racist or something or is it more of something against me personally."

" Of course im not racist I just thought that someone more important would be here to shoot with me."

" Like who? You think you deserve to shoot with a president or something? I say with a bite in my tone.

" You can be so charming when you want to." Apo replies sarcastically

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