Chapter 7 Hidden Figures

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Abbygails P.o.v
Max wake me up the next morning and I get dressed for the shoot excited for the day ahead.I put on one of my favorite outfits and do my makeup. Because I don't trust that the shoot makeup artist will style my darker skin properly. I would call my makeup artist but she dosent arrive in Thailand til tommrrow.Max comes in my room without knocking of course.

"Hey are you ready to go." He stops and looks at me

"Well dont you look beautiful. Who's that pretty girl."

"Thanks Max I guess I'll let you live another day." Max bows dramatically

"Thank you my lady shall we go."

"We shall." I say curtseeing. Me and Max arrive at the place of the shoot and are suprised by how big the building is.

"Wow its huge."

"I never thought the auditorium would be this big." Me and Max walk in and go see the director.

"Hello Abbygail we're so happy to have you here.You look stunning,its such an honor to have you here.I know you have traveled from afar."

"Thank you, its me thats honored, im so happy to be here." He pulls me into a hug he smells like cigarettes and booze.I wince a little bit and pull away

"Okay so how much has your manager told you about the show."

"We're just going to be recreating scenes right?"

"Yes but also for this first round its going to be a bit different.So this first round everyone is going to choose a song and sing it and we want to see how well you all can act it out." I automatically get excited because I love music im happy this is more than just an acting thing.

"Okay so how long do we get to prep before starting."

"We'll give you all about and hour before we began shooting."

"We're only getting an hour for a stage performance that we're performing for hundreds of people? Makes sense" I become a bit irritated by this information that I just informed about today.

"Yea I wasn't aware that we were meant to prepare a performance." Max looks much more irritated then me.He can't stand unprofessionalism from others.He feels like that's the greatest sign of disrespect is to have a star and not prepare for them.

"Dont worry everyone is getting the same amount of time and preparation.Everyone is only allowed to use a piano no background tracks." I roll my eyes at this and look around and notice the other contestants looking just as irritated about this as me.

"Okay when do we start shooting."

"We'll be shooting in ten minutes"

"Okay." I go and stand next to the other contestants.One of the contestants began speaking to me.

"This is so stupid."

"Tell me about it"

"I'm here for acting I don't want to sing especially without a background track."

"I'm classically trained and I still don't want to sing without a track.

"Whats your name by the way, you don't look to be from here?Sorry if that sounded rude."

"No your absolutely fine im not from here.Im from America my name is Abbygail Hearts."

"My name is Sammy nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you to." Me and Sammy keep talking and we realize that we have alot in common its nice to know someone in this competition.

"Alright everyone we began rolling in 1 minute." Me and Sammy continue talking not phased at all by the announcement.We stop when the director comes up to the camera and starts talking.

ToxicDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora