Chapter 6 No Escape

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Abbygail P.O.V
Me and Max arrive at the hotel its as nice as the last one was.But this time theirs no arrogant owner so its much nicer to me.We set our stuff down in our rooms and he begans to debrief me about our schedule this week.

"Okay so tommrrow starts the first shoot of the month.You will be in this variety acting tv show called Hidden Figures."

"Wow that sounds fun you actually did your job." Max glares at me and rolls his eyes.

"You and a few other celebrities will be reenacting scenes from a bunch of different Thailand shows.And celebritiy mentors will be scoring your scene.The goal is to make it to the last stage.The winners will be receiving ten thousand dollars
And will be shooting in their own 5 episode long series."

"That sounds great I can't wait t--" Then I quickly remember that we're not supposed to be here longer than 1 month in Thailand.

"Max we can't do the show this shoot sounds like its going to take longer than we're supposed to be here.Did you forget that we're supposed to tour in Hong Kong next mouth?"

"Come on Abby the worst case scenario is that we'll be here a for a month in a half instead of a month.We can spend a little bit of time here.Hong Kong is next but no official bookings have been confirmed by me yet and I have til the end of next month to do it."

"No Max as good as the show sounds its to long its gonna take forever to shoot all of the scenes."

"Just get eliminated quickly so we can go."

"Max how about I take my hand and move it quickly against your face.Why would I purposely get myself eliminated?"

"Because as long as you make it to the 2nd episode your fine.Do your best in the first episode and make it to the second.Than immediately following that we can fly to Hong Kong." Now in theory Max sounds stupid and crazy.But i'm really excited to go to Hong Kong so I might have to agree with him just this once.

"Okay so when I get their i'll do my best on the first episode and give it everything I have and the second episode I bomb and get sent home." Max nods his head smirking.

"Yep that way we'll even have time to make it to other shoots in Thailand before going to Hong Kong."

"As bad as that sounds. Let do it." Me and Max do our signature handshake and go into our rooms and sleep.

Apo's P.o.v
Me and my manager are sitting in our ceos agency while he chats to me about topics I dont care about.

"So Apo we do have a new show coming out and we need one more mentor."

"Okay and what does that have to do with me?" Rain looks a me frustration in his eyes at my tone.But he knows that he can't do anything.Me and Mile fund his agency so we could easily fire him if we wanted to.

"Well Apo I was asking because I thought it would be a great opportunity for you to coach these younger celebrities coming here.We even have foreigners joining us from afar." My eyes peak up in interest as soon as I hear the word foreigners.


"Yea we have alot of amazing and talented artist joining us from different parts of the world."


"Well for one we have Sammy she's from Thailand but she's very well known,we also have Sun joining us from Thailand he acted with you in another series.And we have H--" O interrupted him tired of hearing him talk about people from Thailand instead of the foreigners.

"Okay enough of the people from Thailand tell me about the foreigners"

"Well we have Jane from New Zealand she's a very well known singer,We have Jack from London hes a well known actor.We also have a very special guest that im super excited to meet in person." I lean forward in excitement hoping he'll say a name that hasn't left my mind for days.


"We have the famous actress,songwriter,singer,director Abbygail Hearts." At this point i'm filled with excitement I feel chills on my body. This show has presented me with the perfect trap.

"I'll do it."

"Wait what? I thought you didn't want to do it.You've never done anything I've asked of you." And i'm still not doing anything he asks of me.Im doing this because I found a very interesting new toy to play with.And what better way to trap this mouse than to be her 'personal' mentor.

"Well okay i'm excited that you decided to be apart of this." Rain smiles at me and I almost feel bad for treating him like I usually do.But then I remember that I fund this office and all of that guilt fades right away.

"Just make sure that i'm apart of the show as a mentor from the beginning to the end.

"Will do thats not a problem." While sitting I began to wonder why she said that she wouldn't be in Thailand long the entire shoot of this show is going to be atleast four months.Maybe she didn't realize the length of the show before she signed up.

Well either way she'll be there and she has no idea that i'll be there as well and im going to keep her in Thailand as long as I can.And when your rich and own the agency and the broadcasting station.It will be easy to do. All of a sudden I get a phone call from my hotel staff at a different location.

"What is it?"

"Oh well sir we just wanted to call you and tell you that another Vip just arrived at the hotel tonight.

"Oh I wasn't aware that another celebrity arrived in Thailand. Who is it?"

"Abbygail Hearts Sir." As soon as I hear the name a smirk appears on my face.Oh this is just to easy she's left one of my hotels just to go to another one that I own.She never learns does she?"

"Okay do me a favor and empty out whoever is in the room next to hers."

"Theres no one in the room next to her sir."

"Good." I say grinning evilly.

"Why is that good sir?" Did he just question me?

"Because i'll be staying in that room next to hers.Get that room cleaned up for me."

"Okay sir i'm on it."

"By the way, the next time you question me about what I choose to do with my hotel.Getting fired will be the least of your worries."

"Yes sir i'm sorry sir." I text the manager of my hotel and have him fire the boy that answered the phone then I smile to myself.I'm one step closer to possessing my new toy.And this time there'll be no escape.

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