Once the room had emptied, I rose from my seat and approached Uncle J's desk, still holding Xavier's wrist in a tight grip. His brow furrowed in bewilderment as his gaze volleyed between myself and Xavier.

" He knows"

Uncle J and Nicholas both stared at me with widened eyes, their expressions betraying their expectation for an explanation. The weight of their silence bore down on me, urging me to clarify the situation. "I had no choice," I began, my voice tinged with a hint of desperation, "he already knew too much."

Uncle J heaved a deep sigh, weariness etched on his face, as if he had grown tired of dealing with this ongoing predicament. On the other hand, Nicholas seemed visibly agitated, his frustration manifesting in agitated huffs. "What do you mean you had no choice?" he demanded, his voice laced with disbelief and irritation.

"I was talking to my Uncle, Mr. Caddel," I retorted, my words aimed directly at Nicholas. As I locked eyes with him, I could see a mixture of surprise and hurt flicker across his face. Yet, I couldn't help but wonder why he should be affected. After all, I was nothing more than his student, someone he was obligated to protect.

" Have you disclosed this information to anyone else?" Uncle J interjected, his voice tinged with concern, His gaze shifted towards Xavier, awaiting his response. Xavier shook his head, denying any such disclosure. "No," he affirmed.

"Good," Uncle J replied, a hint of relief seeping into his tone. However, his mind seemed preoccupied, lost in a labyrinth of thoughts. Sensing his unease, I approached his desk and asked, "What's wrong?"

Uncle J's furrowed brows betrayed a deep sense of worry etched on his face. There was a particular heaviness in his gaze, as if burdened by a specific concern that dominated his thoughts. As I leaned closer to him, my curiosity piqued, I couldn't help but notice a troubled expression that seemed to linger.

Uncle J hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting around the room as if searching for the right words. Finally he spoke, "I am just wondering if Evelyn already knows about this," he pondered, his gaze darting towards Xavier, his eyes filled with a mix of apprehension and worry. Confusion seized hold of my mind, its tendrils coiling tightly around my thoughts. Evelyn? Memories of a haunting dream surged forward, fragments of my mother's voice echoing through the corridors of my mind, her lips uttering that very name.

Hold up.

A bolt of realization surged through me, electrifying my senses. "Did Mum ever reach out to someone from this realm when I was born?" The question erupted from me, laden with an urgency that compelled all three pairs of eyes to lock onto mine. Uncle J's head shook with a definitive firmness, his voice carrying the weight of certainty. "Not that I know of. No, ever since the banishment, she severed all ties with everyone here." Yet, a lingering suspicion clung to the edges of my consciousness-I sensed there was more to the story.

"Who's Evelyn, then?" I pressed further, my voice resonating with a mixture of curiosity and determination. Xavier's voice emerged from the expectant silence, its timbre laced with vulnerability and resolve. "My mum's name is Evelyn Woods," he revealed, his words sending a jolt of realization surging through my veins. An enigmatic force surged within, compelling me to seek her out. I closed the distance between Xavier and me, my voice quivering with an unyielding desperation. "Can I meet your mum?"

Xavier's eyebrow arched with intrigue, his features etched with confusion. "Why?" he probed, seeking a glimpse into the fervor that consumed me. "I just need to talk to her, trust me," I implored, my voice carrying the weight of urgency. Something deep within me propelled me towards her, a force that transcended mere animosity. I sensed that something was awry, but it wasn't because of her.

DELONIX [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora