(Dating Scenario!) Ice and Hellfire

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Johnny was busy after getting back from a shower. He then dried off and started changing into blue jeans, a black shirt, brown boots, and a red flannel. Johnny then walked outside of the dorm to get a call from Weiss on his scroll. Johnny opened up the scroll and answered it.

Johnny: "Hello?"

Weiss: "Hey, Johnny. Just wanted to let you know I'm already at Vale, I hope you're ready because you and I will get to have some fun today."

Johnny: "Alright then, I'm already on my way. I just got to see if my bike will be ready thanks to Yang's little upgrades she did with it. Still, I'm on my way, I won't take too long, ok?"

Weiss: "Ok, love you!"

Johnny: "Love you too, Snow Angel."

Johnny then hung up and placed his scroll away. He then walked to his bike, Grace.

Johnny: "Hey, girl. Missed me?"

Grace revved her engine as he patted her on the handle. He smiled as he jump-started the engine. He revved the engine and drove away to Vale after the long drive, Johnny then passed the drive, unmounted his bike, and noticed Weiss standing by in her outfit.

 He revved the engine and drove away to Vale after the long drive, Johnny then passed the drive, unmounted his bike, and noticed Weiss standing by in her outfit

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Weiss: "So, what do you think?"

Johnny: "You look great, Weiss."

Weiss: "Aw, thank you."

Johnny: "Anytime, Weiss. How about we head to the café, my treat."

Weiss: "Of course, let's go, shall we?"

Johnny: "Yeah, of course."

Weiss and Johnny then walked inside the café and sat down together, enjoying the moment with each other. The interior was cozy, with a lot of wooden furniture and a warm orange tone to the lighting.

Weiss: "So, Johnny. I have to ask you something."

Johnny: "Sure, what is it?"

Weiss: "How does it feel, being that thing?"

Johnny: "Well... it's not a fun experience. Most of the time, it feels like I'm not even human, to where it feels like I'm nothing but a hellspawn."

Weiss then placed a hand in Johnny's, and he looked up at her and looked into her eyes.

Weiss: "Johnny... just know I'm here, you have me and the rest of the others, and no matter what situation there is, you can count on me and so many others to help you out."

Johnny: "Thank you, Weiss. I'm glad I met you during my time here."

Weiss: "It's the least I can do."

Soon, the waiter walked in with a notebook and pen.

Waiter: "Hello guys, I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but would you like anything to drink?"

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