(Bonus!) RWBY Halloween O.V.A

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Johnny was setting up quickly as he was setting up decorations while Weiss stood there rather confused on what was going on, with a raised eyebrow as she then stopped Johnny from whatever he was doing.

Weiss: "Um, what are you doing?"

Johnny: "Weiss, it's today!"

Weiss: "What's today?"

Johnny: "Ruby's birthday!"

Weiss's eyes widen as she realizes that today is not only Halloween, but it was also Ruby's birthday. As she looked on the calendar, she realized just exactly what Johnny was doing.

Weiss: "Is she here?"

Johnny: "No, Yang, Penny, and Roxanne have her distracted at Vale, while we do the rest."

Weiss: "Ok, what is going on now?"

Johnny: "I'm setting up the decorations, and I already have a little birthday gift for her. Jaune and Pyrrha are getting the costumes and face paint."

Weiss: "I'm sorry, costumes and face paint?"

Johnny: "Yeah, it's a Halloween party. Even Blake and Ren are baking the cookies and cake."

Weiss: "What about Nora?"

Johnny: "She's setting up the Halloween maze with Sun, Neptune, and the rest of Teams SSSN and CFVY."

Weiss: "Oh, I see. What can I do to help?"

Johnny: "A. Help me with the decorations or B. Sort out any scary movies. We would want this Halloween to be spooky. Sides, Ruby always said."

Johnny/Weiss: "A good Halloween is not without a scary movie."

Weiss: "Ok then, I will go search around on the internet for some scary movies. Is there anything she likes in particular?"

Johnny: "Scream, Nightmare on Elm Street, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, those movies."

Weiss: "Got it, good luck on the decorations."

Johnny: "Ok, thanks, Weiss."

Soon, Weiss went to the online store and bought some movies on the account she had. Jaune and Pyrrha then returned back with the costumes and face paint, as Johnny was done with the decorating.

Jaune: "Hey guys, we're back."

Pyrrha: "And we brought pumpkins to carve too."

Johnny: "Oh sweet. Is there enough for everyone to carve?"

Jaune: "Yep, how's the decorating looking?"

Johnny: "It's all done, even Weiss set up the movie theater."

Weiss: "I even got us pizza for the special day."

Blake: "Cookies are done."

Ren: "Same for the cake. Is Ruby on her way yet?"

Johnny: "I don't know. I'll check."

Soon, Johnny checked his messages, and she said that she, Roxanne, and Ruby are just choosing costumes at the store. Johnny sighed of relief as he soon told the others to get ready and get their costumes or face paint on.

They all nodded and did the rest as they set up the cake, cookies, and even the pizza arrived, too. Even Coco was prepared as she gave Johnny a skull face pant appearance to match his ghost rider power. Soon, Johnny gets a message from Yang that Ruby is on the way.

Johnny: "Guys! She's on the way, you know the drill!"

Everyone nodded and turned off the lights. Yang and Roxanne then entered in as Ruby then turned on the lights to then be surprised by everyone.

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