Volume 1: Chapter 14

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Previously on RWBY, Jaune was forced to help Team CRDL with the assignment until Cardin had an idea, but when Johnny had a call from Ozpin, it was about the "masked man", however when Johnny returned his friends were attacked by CRDL, and they said Jaune was involved, and he was as their pawn, for he found Jaune all beat up. Ti then, after Jaune stood his ground against Cardin, Johnny was taken away by the figure that was really his brother.

Will he be able to free his brother in the battle between blades? Find out on today's chapter of RWBY: The Huntsman from Hell!

Recap ended

Johnny's P.O.V

As I walked around the old mansion, I noticed a glowing statue, I placed my hand on the statue, and something weird happened. I noticed my reflection standing still, I didn't seem to care, so I just walked away to then see the Reflection walk out and form into my brother Danny Ketch.

Johnny: "Hm, you know, this stinking place was the last place I thought I'd find anyone with some guts."

Danny snapped his fingers, and a door opened. He wanted me to follow him as he ran out and flew up there with green fire. I knew this was the time for our battle, so I couldn't resist, but as soon as I walked there. My hand glowed hellfire, and a sword appeared with an engine, I stabbed it on the ground and revved its engine.

I activated my semblance and formed hellfire into wings on my back as I flew up to where he was, and we were ready for battle

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I activated my semblance and formed hellfire into wings on my back as I flew up to where he was, and we were ready for battle.

As we both battled, it ended in a draw. None of us won at all. We then went through hand to hand combat, but I then got slammed through a wall and thrown to another portal where I returned back to the academy, I got up a bit wounded as I walked back my wounds vanished and I returned back to see Team RWBY and JNPR.

RWBY and JNPR: "Johnny!"

Johnny: "Hey guys."

Weiss: "Where have you been?!"

Johnny: "Just got lost, and I got back."

Blake: "Well, we were worried sick."

Yang: "Blake, calm down. We're just glad you're here, Johnny."

Marvel Knights RWBY: The Vengeful One (RWBY: Volume 1-2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora