"Call me whatever name you want, I don't mind," he said, but Jade kept thinking that this boy had many more mysteries than she could tell, perhaps as many as Zeth, "Okay Jade, I will accent the side with the hair comb," Blackfox said, sweeping it along the side of her head, pinning the hair back for a romantic look. "Perfect! You have a beautiful, wavy texture, Jade. And you are blonder than before."

"A French twist?" Kim walked towards them with a finger on her chin, "Love it. It's a true classic."

"Are you sure your uniform is okay?" Blackfox asked as Jade stood up, nodding, "You sure? I can call Kevin, although I'm also good at making clothing adjustments."

"No, it's okay... Where's Kevin by the way?"

"He was very surprised because I told him that Alex and Draco aren't getting along very well," Kim said, "It seems like he wants to give up his love for Draco."

"Well, I always liked to think that Alex and Draco could be a couple. Thanks Blackfox," Jade nodded and he smiled at her, "I don't know. Now that I know their story, I'm not sure they are right for each other." She added, looking at Kim for reassurance, "And I'm sure you'll agree Kevin is a great guy. Draco doesn't need a love that complements him, he needs someone to let him know that he is already a whole and is loving another whole." She smiled broadly, and Kim frowned. “What? Did I say something wrong?”

"Why do you have two vampire fangs and piranha teeth?" Kim approached quickly, inspecting Jade.

"And these nails? They're not Feline claws," Blackfox said, examining Jade's hands.

"I can tell," Kim said, and her nails grew long and sharp, "Hers are thicker than mine, like triangles instead of razors."

"Kim, did you just..."

"I'm a Feline, Jade," Kim cocked her head, "Those nails aren't. Those are Lycan claws, transparent nonetheless but certainly Lycan."

"They look quite sharp. Are you sure they belong to a wolf?" Jade asked, biting her lip.

"Yes... We did this for a living, didn't we?" Blackfox looked at Kim, who shrugged, "Is Jade a hybrid? Like the winged wolves of House Moonblood?"

"This makes no sense." Kim took Jade's hand and examined it.

"I find it curious that she also became very agile and ripped like Zeth. Maybe she is a special type of cat? It is quite unusual," Blackfox then looked at Jade's face very carefully, taking her in his hands while Kim walked to the bed and checked the inside of her purse, "It seems like you're acquiring your boyfriends' powers. Even your face looks different. It's almost as perfect as Zeth's."

"Get off her, Blackfox! Now!" Kim ordered and when he stepped aside...


“Ouch,” Jade flinched.

“Jesus Fucking Christ! Kimberly!” Blackfox yelled.

Jade felt a sudden pain in her neck, and there was a loud, constant, electrical sound, like a rattling.

Kimberly had a Taser Gun in her hand and was holding it tightly, her eyes wide.

"Kimberly!" Blackfox was startled, "Did you just shoot Jade with a Taser?! Don’t you have any idea of what it means to be a morally stable person?!"

"Yes. I shot her, and she is still standing!" Kimberly said, lowering the Taser, "Like a Sparkman."

"What are you talking about?" Jade put her hand to her neck where the electric shock had taken no effect. She could feel a slight prickling sensation and felt blood oozing from two tiny wounds. She looked around. "Why don't I feel the electricity?"

"I don't know, used full power," Kim said and Blackfox snatched the gun from her.

"Kim, look at this," Jade said, checking the wounds left by the taser, "I'm healing myself, and I didn't feel the electricity."

"I can't believe you shot at an unarmed Jade with a Taser gun!" Blackfox yelled at Kim, who shifted her shoulders carelessly, "Where did you get that thing, Kim?"

"Evie always hid guns under the bed and I put it in my purse," she admitted.

"You know that you could have seriously hurt Jade, right?!" Blackfox was yelling now.

"She said she had her boyfriends' powers and I took the shot.” Kim rolled her eyes, "Why are you so skittish?"

"Sorry to interrupt," someone said at the door. Jade looked up and her heart jumped into her throat, "Jade, can we talk?"

“Zeth?” she cocked her head, “Are you okay? Your eyes look red. Were you crying?”

"Let's talk outside," Zeth pointed out the hallway, "I need to talk to you about the 'thing' so to speak."

“Sure, lead the way,” Jade nodded.

“You go talk to your Ken Doll, I'll go spy on Evie," Kim said, grabbing her cat purse, taking out her grapple gun.

"We'll go to the hotel in an hour, Kimberly." Zeth said, "The soundcheck still needs to be done, you know? And we still need to..."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll meet you downstairs in no time," she climbed up to the window, winked at him, opening her arms and dropping herself back, free-falling. Then came the sound of the grapple gun firing, and Kim flew up through the air, landing gracefully in the battlements in a superhero pose. "Woah! Evie was right, this dress is amazing for mobility, and I'm glad these heels didn't break," she said, taking a small electronic telescope from her purse, "Okay. Let's see..." she turned east, "That must be the Broken Tower." Kim smiled slightly when she saw Frank and Evie giving each other a passionate kiss. He held her hips and she held onto his neck while their lips danced. "How cute, it almost makes me want to have a boyfriend," The two kissed passionately for a few moments, before breaking apart.

Frank pressed his forehead against Evie's then. She probably said something that made the guy laugh and then she bent over and rose up with a boot in her hand. Both laughed.

He helped Evie stand on one foot while he put on the boot just like when the prince put the glass slipper on Cinderella, what a gentleman! Kim now couldn't see why Evie was crazy about this guy.

How odd. Why did Evie take off a boot?

Then there was a growl, and Kim looked down. A few floors below, Alex was climbing out of his bedroom window, using his claws to climb down the wall from the fourth floor into the rose garden below.

"Well, well. Looks like things didn't go well between Kevin, Draco and Alex," Kim fired her grapple gun and the hook got stuck in a crenet, "They say curiosity killed the cat, but the cat died knowing," Kim then jumped from the tower, swinging down several floors, landing softly on a stone path.

She walked slowly towards a fountain in the centre of the rose garden. This place was very nice, The sound of the water was relaxing and the torches gave it a very nice medieval touch. The garden was laid out beautifully in the same style as all of the gardens in old castles. There were stone benches placed everywhere and flowerbeds, bushes and trees, with little ponds here and there.

Turning up, she saw Alycandro leaping from the second floor, and a crash was heard. This would be fun.

"Sorry Alycandro, I'm addicted to knowing everything,” She said, walking with her head held high and crossing her leg seductively with each step, "And I can't mind my own business."

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsWhere stories live. Discover now