Don't say that word | 007

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"No, Aurelia, that's not an excuse for him to be that way." She tells me. "I'm sorry." I look down at my lap. "Rae, you have nothing to be sorry for. He's the one in the wrong." She says. "Do you want to stay here tonight? I mean, I don't know if you have classes tomorrow or.." She trails off. "Um, sure, I'll stay, thank you." I give her a small smile. "Of course. You know I care about you a lot, Rae." She tilts her head. "Yeah, I know. I care about you a lot too, Bil." I say. "C'mere, Rae-Rae." She laughs and opens her arms for me. She's started calling me that and no one else calls me that, so it's kind of cute. I hug her and she rubs my back.

"You deserve better than that, Rae." She tells me. "Lorenzo is a good guy, he just.. has anger issues sometimes, I guess." I shrug. "Again, not an excuse for his behavior." She adds. "I know." I sigh. "Wait, so do you like girls since he.. called you that?" I ask her. "Yeah, was it not obvious?" She chuckles. "I mean, I don't know, I'm straight so I can't tell that shit that well." I laugh. "Right, straight," She nods.

"Um, anyways.. wanna go up to my room? Shark's up there if you wanna see him." She smiles. "Duh, let's go!" I grab her hand and pull her off the couch. "Aurelia, slow down." She giggles. "I'm just excited to see Shark. I've decided he's my nephew now." I say. "Nephew, huh?" She laughs. "Yup." I nod.

We go up the stairs and into her room. The both of us sit down on her bed and I pet Shark. "Hi, baby." I coo at him. "He likes you a lot, you know." She grins. "Yeah?" I ask and she nods. "He's such a cutie." I say. Shark moves his head to my lap and I lay my back against her headboard.

"You wanna watch Shameless?" She asks with a small smile. "You still remembered I like that show?" My eyes widen. "You watch it literally everyday, love. It's obvious." She laughs. "True. Sure, let's watch it." I nod. She turns the tv on and goes onto Netflix, turning on Shameless. I lay my head on my shoulder and she drapes her arm around my shoulders.

She's seriously such a great friend.


I hear my phone start to ring over an hour later since we started watching Shameless and I take it out of my pocket to see who's calling me.

"Fuck, it's Lorenzo." I mumble. "Just ignore it." Billie shrugs. "Okay." I sigh and put my phone down. A minute later, it starts ringing again. I start getting texts and calls and I roll my eyes. "He's not stopping." I groan.

˚ ʚɞ ˚

enzo 🫶🏻

Babe answer me

Baby I just wanna talk

I'm sorry Rae

Aurelia answer


˚ ʚɞ ˚
In real life

"Go in... the bathroom! Go in the bathroom, Rae." Billie says. I nod and quickly run into her bathroom. I shut the door and answer Lorenzo's call.

"Aurelia, where are you?" He asks. "Um, at Gigi's house." I lie. "So if I texted Gianna right now, she'd tell me you're at her apartment, correct?" He says. "Yeah." I answer. Gigi always covers for me no matter what. "Alright, anyways, baby, I'm so sorry for how I acted earlier. I was just under a lot of pressure. Football has been stressing me lately, you know?" He tells me. "Yeah, I get that." I nod.

I knew it had to be that.

"Babe, let me take you on a date tomorrow, yeah?" He says. "Okay." I say hesitantly. "Okay. And also, you're not talking with Billie or whatever her name is anymore right?" He asks.

No, I was just in her fucking bed.

"You said to distance myself, not stop talking to her. But no, I haven't talked to her." I lie. "Good. Okay, I have to go, I have practice. I love you." He says. "I love you too." I sigh and hang up.

I go out of the bathroom and sit back on Billie's bed. "So?" She asks. "He apologized. We're good now." I smile. "Just like that? Aurelia, he was being a dick. Why are you so forgiving?" She says. "He told me he's just under a lot of stress right now because of football and I understand that. It's fine, Bil, I promise." I tell her.

"Okay, fine. But if he says or does anything else, you'd tell me, right?" She raises an eyebrow. "Yeah, of course." I nod. "Okay, good." She smiles softly. "I care about you, Rae, and you deserve the best." She says. "Thanks, B." I smile at her.

I lay my head back on her shoulder and we go back to watching Shameless.

I'm so grateful to have a friend like her in my life.

forbidden | b.e. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ