Get comfortable

Comincia dall'inizio

"I'm serious I respect your wishes and I respect for me not to see it yet and wait" she noded her head going back into her painting

"So how do you want to spend your summer? I think it our first summer together and we should enjoy it and your birthday is part of it" I glanced at her still painting

"I don't really know since my so called birthday was in May we went out of town a few times since it was the beginning of summer" i noded

"Yeah and what did you do?"

"Went to beaches had a few friends over and celebrated nothing big" she shrugged

"Oh so you deserve a big party or something big as well you where getting on me about not celebrating" I smiled

"No I celebrate I heard you were locked away and that not ok" she retorted

"Well we both deserved an amazing birthday" she smiled and noded

"So let think themes what your favorite show or anything in the world?" I said waving my hands in a presenting way moving my head in a half circle

"Well I like the early 90's and early 2000,s" I widen my eyes in excitement that is so easy for me

"Ok,ok,good I can handle that" she noded her head and went back to painting

"You seemed really focused over there"

"Well when I paint I put my all my eyes my fingers my energy the more focused the more satisfaction"

"Well I can relate I'm that way with my music"

"Oh yeah Im and I bet your satisfactory with them all mrs.Queen bey" she laughed

"Well actually no" I laughed along her laughed died down and she looked at me curiously

"Really?" She drew her eyebrows together tilted her head to the side not looking away from her canva i nodded

"Yeah I fell some could be better they had my satisfaction with the meaning and details but in some my voice could of did it's job a bit better but as long as my beyhive is happy than i am too"  she chucked and went back to painting

"Hey bey?" I peeked from my canva to see her looking at me


"Do you want me to call you mom?" I scrunched my face and sat up in my seat

"Of course I do is that even a question" she didn't reply

"I mean do you not want to call me mom?" I asked nervously waiting for her answer

"No-no I do I just, I want to make sure we're on the same page about it" I smiled widely and sat back

"Well I want you too know that my page is full on approval of that" I smiled grabbing my paint

"Good" she smiled before going back into her daze of work

"Ok so now that that's out the way can I see are you done?" I asked in excitement

"Oh wow what happens to I rEspEct YoUR WiSheS" she mocked I drop my hands in my lap and rolled my eyes letting out a huff

"I do but don't you think it's been long enough?"

"Mmmh no" she quickly replied

"Pleaseeee I been dying to see your work the way you focus on them makes it even harder" I pleaded

"Fine if your gonna beg about it" she rolled her eyes I sat up and smiled she turned her canva around and my eyes met with amazement it was a painting of a sunset with black shadow palm trees with beach water flowing at the bottom shower the sunset shadow in the clear blue water the sun set was a dark peach and pink color flowing from the clouds up in the right hand corner was her signature in cursive

Stolen From MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora