Chapter 10: Changes

Start from the beginning

"Old Man Yami is gonna make an announcement regarding team Delta,". He explained. The Underground city guards walked up the stage, there was a person in heavy clothing that isn't revealing. The hat they wore had long thick strands of silk covering their face. The guards wore black armor with a veil covering their faces. Privacy was really their thing.

"That's Old Man Yami, always hiding his identity". Alakai pointed to the man with the hat that had long thick strands of silk. Ray looked at him. He walked towards the podium and tapped the microphone.

"Citizens of The City Under The Surface, I have something sad that I must inform you... OId Man Yami is dead". He spoke. Gasps were heard throughout the crowd. They were in disbelief and started murmuring. Ray's eyes widened, he looked up at his master who had a serious expression plastered on his face.

"If Old Man Yami is dead, who the fuck are you?!". One creature yelled.

"How do we know if you're not one of those humans in disguise!". Another one yelled.

"Now that question is ironic looking at the state we are all in today.". He said and took off the hat. "I am Yosef, OId Man Yami's grandson! I'm in charge as it's natural for the next kin of the bloodline to take over". The murmurs started again. They were unsure if he was fit to be a leader and if they could trust him to protect them?' Why should they? He hasn't proven himself yet like Old Man Yami did. Ray was confused. How did the one in charge of this city die? He was the strongest creature out there and he perished like that? He looked at Alakai again.

Yosef was a young man who looked to be around 16-18. He had black hair with maroon eyes. Tan skin with a scar across his left eye. He wore the same outfit Old Man Yami wore which was black with gray shoulder pads with a peculiar design. The chest plate had a lion design. Baggy plants and heavy combat boots.

"Before my grandfather's death, there was a matter to be discussed. The humans entering the city, they asked him for permission and before he could say yes was sadly murdered. I am here to say yes to giving them permission, they will up the protection and keep us all safe". He explained. This wasn't enough to distill the concerns that humans were coming here when no humans were allowed.

"These humans are not your everyday humans. They are Team delta". He added and those concerns changed to anger. This team was chosen to help protect us?!

"Team Delta?! How do you know they wont start a mass genocide here?! Or send us to their dark cells?!". One creature yelled. A few others yelled in agreement.

"How do you know if they won't arrest us for rules that don't exist!". Another one yelled and more yelled in agreement.

"Now, we are still in charge. They are nothing more than support". Yosef responds. Few citizens calmed down but there were more riled up and disapproving of the idea. This was chaos already. Alakai glared at the new leader in charge. He was suspicious. Old Man Yami was stronger than him and yet he's already dead, his ideals were respected and loved. He always helped the underground cities in ways no surface leader can compare. The council had his back. Same with the guards.

"How can we trust these humans with our people?". Alakai asked. Yosef turned his attention to him.

"Now now, is that no way to treat a guest". A voice said. Everyone turned to the fully suited man who was walking on the stage. The crowd's eyes glared at him.

"This is Dalton, leader of team Delta. He has promised me that he will make it his job to protect everyone and follow our lead". He added more. No one was on his side after this. There were a few people but not enough. They were in shock.

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