Chapter 19: Announcement

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Just like that, I lost my good mood because of that teacher, she even used expulsion as a weapon. Well, I'll do the same to you.

Kiyotaka: Should we head back?

Horikita didn’t respond, and I walked away. Probably the best if we weren’t together right now.

Horikita: Wait.

Horikita called out, but I didn’t stop. If I managed to keep away from her until I got to the dorms, I’d be home free.

Horikita: Was your score…really just a coincidence?

Kiyotaka: I already said so, didn’t I? Or do you have any proof that I got that score on purpose?

Horikita: I don’t, but…I also don’t understand, Ayanokouji-kun. You said that you like to avoid trouble, but you don’t seem to be interested in Class A.

Kiyotaka: You have an extraordinary fixation on Class A.

Horikita: Should I not? I’m simply striving to improve my future prospects.

Kiyotaka: Oh, absolutely. You should. It’s perfectly natural.

Horikita: When I entered this school, I thought graduation was my only goal.
But the reality is different. I’m not even at the starting line.

Horikita sped up and started walking next to me.

Kiyotaka: So, why are you aiming for Class A?

Horikita: First, I want to ascertain this school’s true motives. Why was I put into Class D? Chabashira-sensei said I’d been deemed a Class D student, but why? When I discover the answer, I’ll aim for A. No, I will definitely make it to A.

Kiyotaka: That’s going to be difficult. You’ll have to rehabilitate the problem children. You have Sudou’s continued tardiness and class cutting, everyone else talking in class, and, of course, the test scores. Even if you manage all of that, you’re still at zero points.

Horikita: I know that. I still think the school made a mistake with my placement.

Anxiety had replaced Horikita’s previously overflowing confidence.

Did she really know that was the case? The only conclusion I could draw from today was that “despair” was a two-syllable word. If you followed the fundamental school rules, you could avoid losing points. However, it was still unclear how to turn those losses into gains. Class A had had only had a small number of points subtracted.
Even if we somehow found an efficient way to increase our points, the other classes might also find a way to do the same. Since we’d started out with such a substantial difference in points, we’d have to compete hard against the other classes in a limited amount of time.

Horikita: I can understand your thoughts, but I don’t think the school will continue supervising us so carefully. If they did, there’d be no meaning in competition.

Kiyotaka: I see. I suppose you could think that. So, you’ll try to take care of this situation by yourself?

Horikita: Yes.

Kiyotaka: Don’t act so proud.

A hand chopped my side. Horikita ignored my pained expression.

Kiyotaka: Ow. Look, I understand how you feel, but you can’t solve this by yourself. Think about Sudou. Even if you improve, the rest of the class will drag you down.

Horikita: No. You’re right that no lone individual can solve this problem. We won’t even make it to the starting line without everyone’s help.

That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime x Classroom Of The EliteWhere stories live. Discover now