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It was strange to be back at Winterfell, it wasn't the same castle I visited all those years ago but it most definitely wasn't the same one that Ramsay lorded over. There was a small, almost non-existent sense of peace that I felt as I walked through the halls, like we weren't done but we were home.

The Bolton banners had been torn down and replaced with those of House Stark, the rightful owners. Every time I saw that grey wolf, I smiled. I couldn't help it.

I watched over the courtyard, people were bustling back and forth, preparing the castle for its returning owners, but all I could see were my own memories of the people that were lost. This place would always carry those memories and feelings, but I was a different person now, I couldn't cling on to the past when we were still desperately fighting for a future.


"Yes" I glanced over at the serving girl who held up a dusty box, I looked at it and then at her, "What is this?"

"I was told to search for anything white" She smiled sheepishly and held out the box, I raised my eyebrows and took it slowly.

"By who?" I asked curiously, dusting off the top of the box.

"Me" Sansa appeared by my side, "I knew there had to be something left from before the Boltons, I instructed some servants to find something, anything, for you"

"You didn't need to" I told her, she just smiled but it didn't reach her eyes, she wasn't truly happy but I understood, something dreadful happened to her here.

"Let's just go see what she found"

We slipped into the nearest room, it was a small sitting room with no chairs, just crates so we perched precariously on one each.

I lifted the lid, the dust flew everywhere sending us both into coughing fits.

"I guess its older than I thought" Sansa chuckled lightly.

Inside was a dress, nothing else, just a white dress with a silvery ribbon around the middle.

"I do believe this is a nightdress, Lady Stark" I giggled, running a hand over detailed collar. It definitely wouldn't keep anyone warm here.

"It has long sleeves" She argued, lifting them up and draping them over the front, they were made of a thin lace material.

"Where did this come from?" I asked again, picking off a loose thread.

"I've never seen it and it doesn't look like its ever been worn" Sansa insinuated and I nodded, it was practically fresh from the tailors.

"Its beautiful but I can't wear it" I pursed my lips, "I'll freeze to death"

"Then don't get married outside"

"I'm not sure if I'm getting married at all"


"With everything that has happened, I just pushed it the side, we can get married whenever. The war won't stop for a wedding"

"I want someone to be happy" Sansa sighed, feeling the dress again.

"You will be" I reminded her but she shrugged me off, dropped the dress back into the box and getting up.

"I should go" She announced and left. I watched in confusion but didn't prod, instead I slid the lid back on the box and took it back to the room I had been given. It was the third room I'd slept in at Winterfell, but it was the first one that I chose, it wasn't as simple as the last one nor as grand as the first but it was just perfect. There was a bed, a fireplace, a desk and even a wardrobe where I hid the dress, I didn't need anything else.

I couldn't help but think of Sansa's reaction just before, she was upset by the idea that one day she might be happy, it was as if she had lost all hope. Being in her home should bring her joy but instead she is likely haunted by the horrors that occurred under the Bolton's reign. I perched on the bed and sighed loudly, the battle was far from over.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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