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We'd journeyed to an inn where we rested for a while, I spent the majority of my free time alone. I had begun to feel terribly lonely since leaving Winterfell, I could hardly spend time with Sansa, I hated to hear her talk about Joffrey as if he was perfect, Arya spent her time with her direwolf and so had no interest in my company. So I read, played with my siblings and avoided my brother.

That day I decided to wander round the camp, an idea I regretted the second I saw Joffrey trampling towards me.

"Sister" He announced, I was suddenly glad that I had hidden my book inside my cloak, Joffrey would immediately tell Mother if he saw me reading about the Lord of Light, she barely believed in the gods.

"Joffrey" I forced a smile, he fell into step alongside me.

"You should thank me" He smirked and I looked up at him, Joffrey was short but sadly I was shorter and it didn't make me feel very powerful.

"For ruining a decent alliance?" I suggested angrily, hugging the book closer to my side, sometimes I still felt the pressure of Robb's hands on my waist and it made my heart hurt.

"For saving you from a dull life stuck in the North" Joffrey tried to correct me but I scoffed, he wasn't king yet and I would make sure he knew it.

"Who said it would be dull" I retorted, "I could be happy in the North"

"It doesn't matter" He waved me off, "You will marry someone far more useful"

"What's more useful than the North" I almost growled and he pretended to think.

"Perhaps a marriage to you could tide over Viserys Targaryen" My blood ran cold, Viserys and his sister Daenerys were the last living Targaryens and they were currently hiding across the Narrow Sea and would potentially try to take my fathers throne. I don't even think a marriage could keep a Targaryen from attempting to take back what they believed to be their birthright.

"I would do no such thing" I hissed, stopping in the middle of the road and forcing my brother to pause as well, he turned back with raised eyebrows.

"What are you going to do? I control you" He chuckled, crossing his arms.

"Not yet you don't. You're just a cruel boy who thinks he's smarter than he is" I growled, but regretted it as he grabbed my arm and hauled me forward.

"Don't you dare speak to me in that way, you're just a pathetic whore, waiting to be sold" Joffrey snarled, his face inches from mine and contorted with rage.

"I'm your elder sister or did you forget" I fought back and he pushed me away, then landed a slap to my face. I didn't cry out or clasp my cheek, I kept my eyes trained on his.

"You" He pointed at one of his guards, "Show my sister she should treat her future king with respect"

I braced myself, Joffrey never liked being talked back to and he used anyone else but himself to do his dirty work. Even on a princess such as myself.

A guard stepped forward, his face covered, and landed a punch to my stomach and I doubled over, he then landed a second to my left eye.

"Stop" Joffrey called out, then stepped forward and grabbed my wrist, "Don't ever insult your future king again" and he threw me to the ground where I sat for a moment as he stormed away, his guard following closely.

I took a deep breath and carefully touched the tips of my fingers to my eye, wincing slightly before glancing around me. Multiple sets of eyes were watching me and I swallowed nervously, they'd seen the way my brother beat me but they couldn't say a thing against their future king.

Someone barged through the crowd and came towards me, I braced again but the person simply lifted me to my feet and brushed me off. I turned to find the ruined face of Sandor Clegane, I refused to be scared of my saviour and smiled. The crowds still stared before the Hound turned and growled.

"Haven't you got better things to be doing" and the crowd dispersed, muttering about all sorts. "Are you alright?"

"Thank you, Ser Sandor" I tipped my head gently but he still frowned angrily.

"I'm not a knight, your grace" He reminded me and I opened my mouth to answer then closed it again, no words could be found, "Are you alright?", he repeated.

"Yes" I said bluntly, grabbing my skirts and walking away from the Hound and the people who still lurked around, a hand covering the blossoming bruise on my eye.

When I collapsed onto my bed, I once again let the tears flow, they stung like fire but when they started I couldn't stop them. When I could breath properly, I stumbled to my table and grabbed at some paper, wetting my quill and beginning my letter. Tears specked the letter but I continued, when it was finished I blew shaky breaths onto it in the hopes it would dry faster.

"Marin!" I screamed, folding the letter and forcing it into an envelope, plopping the wax on it, not bothering with the House sigil.

"Your grace" She flew into the room, concern covering her kind features, "What is this?", she touched my cheek gently but I brushed her off, replacing my letter in her hand.

"Send this letter" I begged, "Do not let anyone read it, put it in his hand or destroy it"

"Your grace" Marin said carefully, "But it's for-"

"I know who it's for!" I exclaimed, "Get it to him now!"

"Very well!" She scuttled away, frightened.

I fell to the floor and sobbed, fearing everything and everyone. The letter would find its recipient and he would help me, he would find a way.

Eddard Stark would help me.

Ours is the Fury | Game of Thrones OCWhere stories live. Discover now