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A couple hours later, Marin returned and I had managed to pull myself off the floor and onto my chair again but I was humiliated and in pain. She said nothing, only sent for a cold cloth that she used to soothe my eye gently.

"You said you wouldn't let it happen again" She remarked.

"Sometimes I can't help myself"

"You must"

"You know him, Marin" I sighed, "He's... difficult"

"He hurt you" She corrected.

"He hurts me" I shot back, stepping away from her and pacing the length of my room, "Did you get the letter to him"

"Of course" She reported, "Put it directly into his hand, his guards insisted I give it to them but I refused"

"Good" I nodded, "Has my mother been seen?"

"I haven't seen her" Marin emptied out the water and cleaned the cloth.

"I haven't spoken to her in days" I sighed, continuing to pace, "Somethings wrong"

"What do you mean?"

"Something has shaken her" I told Marin, "She's worried"

"What makes you say that?"

"I know her. She isn't easily shaken up" I insisted, sitting back down on my chair, "Something happened at Winterfell"

"I wish the others knew how smart you really are" Marin grumbled and came up behind me, wrapping her pale little arms around my neck.

Marin had been my handmaiden ever since I was young, she was two years my senior but it didn't change how close we'd become. She was the youngest daughter of House Blount, her father volunteered for her to be sent to Kings Landing alongside her uncle Ser Boros Blount when he joined the Kingsguard. Eventually she went from ward to handmaiden and a wonderful companion.

"You must be excited to return home soon" I murmured, she pulled back and perched on the edge of the bed.

"I'm always excited to see my mother, Alise was married to Marvion Pyle last spring so she won't be there but I'm sure it will be lovely to see Dextron, Mykal and Jaslin", she listed off her siblings, I recalled she had a fifth sibling and frowned.

"What of Kiran?" I asked and she looked startled.

"I hadn't thought of little Kiran" She looked down thoughtfully, "he must be so grown up now"

"Strange the way life keeps us away from those we love" I leaned back and she nodded, "You'll see your family soon, Marin, I'll make sure of it"

"Thank you, your grace" She smiled, "Can I do anything else?"

"I'd like to write a letter to Robb Stark" I whispered.

"Oh" Marin smirked slyly, picking out a piece of paper and handing me a quill, "Do go on"

"Marin" I raised my eyebrows and she scowled, leaving my room.

I sighed, thinking of what to say. I promised to write but was it too soon? It had only been a week, if that but I wanted him to know I was thinking of him and hopefully he would be thinking of me.

Dearest Robb,

I sat there and stared at the first line for what felt like forever and then a wave of sadness wash over me. I couldn't write anything because I had nothing to say.

I folded up the sheet and put it aside. So much time had passed that it was dark outside and I allowed myself to go to sleep.

Someone was shaking me awake, I opened my eyes quickly and adjusted to see who it was.

Ours is the Fury | Game of Thrones OCOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora