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It was torture, finding silly excuses to visit Lord Stark which all failed miserably, there were new guards who were far stricter than the last and only answered to the King. I was trying terribly hard to ignore Ser Hordan as well, who seemed to be Joffrey's favourite Kingsguard at that moment, it was as if he knew and was rubbing my own failed friendship in my face.

I had also been trying to eavesdrop on my mother whenever she had visitors or met with my brother but every time I got close enough, it seemed a guard appeared and I had to pretend to be walking past or trying to visit my mother and they would tell me she was busy, after a couple times it just looked stupid.

As per Lord Starks request, I tried to visit and speak with Sansa, I would try with Arya but she was still unaccounted for, even so Sansa would just sit in silence, she didn't trust me anymore and she had every right not to. My brother and mother imprisoned her father, I wouldn't trust me either. She was being political, keeping her moves to herself or probably my mother, sometimes I thought she trusted her but other times I realised she was just doing as she was threatened to do.

That afternoon I decided to try and see her again, perhaps she was feeling more up to talking but when I got to her rooms, there was no one there, not even a maid, she didn't leave her rooms unless court was in session or Joffrey had summoned her, it was part of her imprisonment alongside her fathers.

"Where is Lady Sansa Stark?" I grabbed the first guard by the scruff of his tunic and he looked at me in confusion, his brows drawn together

"Don't you know?" He questioned as if her lack of presence was common knowledge, taking my hand off him and letting it drop to my side, then fixing his tunic.

"Where is she? What has my brother done now?" I demanded and he gave in very quickly, explaining it all.

"He requested her presence at the Sept of Baelor" He told me slowly, I gestured for him to speak faster but he was obviously an imbecile and was muttering like a child, that or he didn't want to really tell me the truth.

"Why?" I shouted in anger and frustration, my breathing coming faster and harder.

"the King is bringing Lord Stark there" He finished and I felt my face fall in realisation, his trial, it was happening and the whole city was watching, his own daughter included, I promised to protect her and she was a pawn in Joffrey's sadistic game.

I shoved the guard into the wall and he grumbled something insulting and if I wasn't in such a hurry I would give him a slap and lose him his job but I was in a hurry.

Flying through the Keep, my thoughts were screaming, all jumbled up like Arya's needle work. Joffrey intended for Ned to confess his treason, exile him to the Wall and humiliate Sansa in front of the entire city. Not even just Sansa, he would destroy the Stark family in a single trial, Robb and his brothers as well, Lady Stark too. What would happen to them once their father was gone? What would Joffrey do with Sansa? And Arya, wherever she was? I sped up but I was never going to run there in time.

One of the guards out the front of the Keep was dismantling a lean and fast looking horse from a royal carriage, probably the same one Joffrey and Mother took to the sept just moments ago. I scuttled over to the guard and made my case, short and sweet:

"Please," I glared at him and he released the reins with a clear scowl, trudging off to do something else so I launched myself onto the horse, not before kicking off my ridiculous shoes and charged through the city, there were no crowds which was strange but I could hear the chants from up ahead, the people had gathered outside the sept.

My heart was pounding as I got to the outskirts of the grounds, craning my neck to try and see over them but it was impossible. Instead I was trying hard to push the horse through the sparse crowds that were becoming denser by the second.

They people wouldn't budge so I tossed myself from the horse and into the thick of it, I fell hard on the stone floor, wincing cursing quietly but jumping up and limping closer despite the pain in my knee.

"Move! Please!" I shouted but the chanting was too loud and the crowds too rowdy, some saw my face and let me through, my shoving was quite successful and I managed to get close enough to see the platform where my family stood, well my mother and brother, both looking quite pleased with themselves. Lord Stark must've confessed to treason and proclaimed Joffrey as the King.

I could only hear the end of what filth my brother was saying:

"Ser Ilyn, bring me his head" He demanded and a cold feeling came over me, my eyes widening in shock and realisation of what was happening, what Joffrey was about to do and what the consequences would be.

Sansa was screaming and the guards were holding her back. Mother was tugging at Joffrey's arms, trying to convince him to stop.

Even I shouted his name in frustration and anger but he didn't hear nor see me, I was completely useless and all I could do was watch

And that was what I did, I watched as Ser Ilyn put on his mask and the guards lay down Lord Starks head. I watched my brother laugh sadistically as Ser Ilyn drew his sword- no, Lord Stark's sword- Ice and drew it back.

Then I watched him bring it down on the Lord of Winterfell's neck.

Ours is the Fury | Game of Thrones OCWhere stories live. Discover now