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As we made our way to the tower, I heard my name whispered.

"One moment" I tapped Sansa's shoulder and she paused.

"Where are you going?" She practically whimpered, linking arms with Shae.

"I'll meet you there" I smiled and she frowned but nodded, slipping into the darkness with her maid and I followed the sound of my name.

"Lya" The voice hissed as I rounded the corner and clashed with a wall of armour.

I let my eyes focus until I saw Hordan and he grabbed my arm fiercely.

"Come with me" He pulled me along and I didn't complain.

When we reached the edge of the Keep, I did speak up, "Where are we going? It isn't safe"

"I have spent months listening to that boy contort plots and malicious ways to make you miserable" Hordan grumbled, moving even faster as we hit the streets, "He wants to kill you, watch thousands of men rape and torture you. He despises you, Lya."

"I know" I scowled, "He's a monster"

"I'm getting you out of here, we're both leaving" He pulled me close to him and down an alley as several soldiers on horseback flew past.

"It's not possible" I exclaimed, "You'll be executed, you've broken your oath!"

"No oath is worth someone's life" He turned to me, "not your life"

My heart cinched just a little but memories of my time with Robb, which felt like decades ago, pulled me into reality.

"West" I tugged on his sleeve, "We must go West, towards Casterly Rock"

"Your grandfather would send you right back" Hordan furrowed his brow then realisation struck, "Your grandfather is in Kings Landing"

"I don't want Casterly Rock" I swatted him indignantly, the two of us still pressed close together in the alley, our noses almost touching.

"You might need to explain this to me then" He shrugged.

"The Starks, Robb and his army" I smiled excitedly, "They're in the Westerlands!"

"Isn't he betrothed to a daughter of Walder Frey"

I felt my face fall, "I know, but he would help me still. He loved me once and he would protect me from Joffrey"

"If you trust him" Hordan sighed.

"More than anyone" I bit my lip nervously, he watched the action closely and I felt his gaze soften.

"Lya" He mumbled almost inaudibly and I felt my heart speed up, my hands snaking up to his neck slowly.

His own hands fumbled until they settled on my waist, I felt a shiver run through me, the same went through him. Our bodies were so close they felt like one.

I watched him lean down, bringing his face closer and closer to mine, our breathing rapidly gaining pace.

The sounds of war sounded from the coast but neither of us could hear a thing in our little world of peace.

My hand wove into his gorgeous curls and he let his head fall gently into my hand, savouring my touch.

As his lips neared mine, another group of horseback soldiers trundled past and in our shock, we dove to opposite sides, which culminated in my chin resting on his shoulder and his on mine. Not where we intended to me.

I giggled a little and felt his chest rumble with a soft chuckle, both of us aware of how foolish we were.

When the soldiers were gone, we drew apart and continued our descent through the city.

"I tried to do this before" I sighed, "Run away, I was so frustrated and unhappy, I couldn't stay any longer"

I felt his gaze on me and I could've sworn I was revelling in it.

"They killed Marin" I mumbled, just saying her name made my eyes water, I had tried not to think of her to save myself the pain but it just made it worse when I did. "She was my best friend, she was my sister, she knew me better than anyone", I felt the hot tears fall down my face.

Hordan's hand reached out and entwined with mine and I let it.

"We should go" Was all he could muster and I nodded silently.

At that, we began to run through the cobbled streets, diving out of sight and shushing each other when we tripped.

Once we arrived at the wall, the fear set in, it was where they caught me before.

"They keep horses just outside" He told me and shoved open the unguarded door.

"Where is everybody?" I asked.

"Fighting your uncle" Hordan reminded me and my breath hitched. If he won, my brother, Sansa, Uncle Tyrion. Would they all be slaughtered?

"I can't leave" I stammered, Hordan raised his eyebrows at me.

"I can't let you stay" He fought back, "It's not safe for you anymore, Lya"

"My family-"

"Are Lannisters, they'll be fine!"



"Where are you going?" I demanded as he stepped away from the gate and back into the city.

"I cant go with you" He whispered.

"You have to!" I exclaimed, "Hordan please!"

"Lya" He started but I shook my head, the tears flowing even faster, all my mothers training was lost in that moment.

"I can't" I wept, stepping forward and into the city again.

I reached out to him but he didn't move, his brows drawn together and his heart in his hand.

Just then, some sort of explosion shook the city and we crashed together.

Everything was forgotten in that moment, our lips found each other's in seconds, devouring any words we wanted or needed to say.

My hands didn't know where to go, fumbling left and right while his own did the same. Both of us unsure of how to react but still clutching at each other's clothes and bodies.

It was only when a second explosion sprung us apart that we stepped back and stared at each other in shock.

"You're coming with me" I commanded.

"I'm coming with you" He agreed, taking my outstretched hand.

Together, we fled the capital

Ours is the Fury | Game of Thrones OCWhere stories live. Discover now