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Over the coming days I tried to keep in the loop but it became increasingly difficult, my mother put blocks in my way and my uncle pushed them aside. She insisted that it wasn't the business of a princess, that I should focus on my needlework while my uncle slipped me notes and updates which I was forced to burn as soon as I read them.

It seemed I wasn't the only person who doubted my brothers ability to rule, both my fathers brothers had proclaimed themselves king and with that came an imminent threat to Kings Landing.

That was what gave me my best idea yet, my father gained support because he didn't distance himself from his people, not when he first took the thrones. He fought alongside them in battle and that was something I very much doubted that Joffrey would ever do, but I could.

"Ser Hordan" I pounded on the wooden door several times.

"Princess Lya" He responded in the same tone, opening the door but a scowl was plastered across his face and his red hair was pointing in all directions.

"I need your help" I put my hands on my hips and stared him down.

"When don't you?" He shot back but I didn't reply, just glared and waited for him to agree, "Fine, what can I do?"

"Teach me to fight" I demanded, glancing back down the hallway again to ensure we were alone.

"No" He retorted, running a hand through his unruly hair.

"No?" I repeated and he nodded, reaching for his armour and strapping it on.

"No" He said again, attaching his white cloak and stepping past me.

"Stop saying no!" I cried out in frustration, grabbing his cloak and he stopped dead in his tracks.

He turned and raised his eyebrows, "I have some time before I'm needed upstairs, I thought I would go get some training in"

"But I-" I started then paused, letting him go and watching him walk to the end of the corridor when he finally turned and violently gestured for me to follow. I let out a long sigh and raced after him.

Eventually we found the perfect and quietest times in the day to spend a couple hours learning how to fight. As anyone could imagine, I was terrible and Ser Hordan couldn't risk harming me at all so it was a long and tedious process.

"Why are you stepping back?" He demanded angrily, "Hold your ground"

"But then you kill me" I replied in the same manner, letting my sword fall to the ground.

"Not if you do what I told you to!" He scowled, chucking his sword on top of mine and turning away from me.

"Stop shouting at me then!" I crossed my arms across my chest in exasperation.

He shot a glare over his shoulder and grumbled something inaudible, peeling off my armour that was far too big and far too heavy for any woman, especially one as little as me.

"I'm done for today" I dropped it all on top of swords and walked away.

As I got to the door that led back into the Keep, Ser Hordan had caught up with me and grabbed my arm.

"Be quiet" He hissed, looking back into the grounds and I followed his eye line to a group of guards walking past.

"What are-"

"Stop talking!"


He rolled his eyes.

I strained to try and hear what they were saying, they weren't being discreet as it was their area but I was still too far.

Thankfully I made out something.

"That gives him double what he had before!" One of the guards was speaking in frustration, throwing his hands up, "He could be planning an attack right now"

"Kings Landing can handle anything he will throw at it" Another spoke out with more hope in his tone, "I'm sure the king has something planned"

"the king?" A third guffawed and the others glared him into silence.

"Stannis Baratheon has no claim over our king" The second, who I coined as Hope, continued talking.

"Ned Stark seemed to think otherwise" The first, Frustration as I called him, put in and I agreed.

"How would he know?" Hope chuckled, "We get our orders and follow them"

"It doesn't matter about claims if Stannis Baratheon tears down our walls and kills his niece and nephews!" Frustration grumbled, "He killed his own brother, who knows what he's capable of"

A pit formed in my stomach and I could stand there in silence anymore, I hauled open the door and slipped out before any of them could see me, leaving Ser Hordan to come up with an excuse as to why he was stood there eavesdropping.

Uncle Stannis killed Uncle Renly? That was news to me but I knew who it wasn't news to.

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