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I woke up alone in an in , sitting up I felt some odd impending sense of doom.

Hordan and I had been on the road for almost four months and no soldiers had come knocking but I just couldn't get over the feeling that something was just off.

Cautiously, I slid out the bed and pulled my blouse and skirt over my undershirt, buttoning everything up quickly. Once I had slid my boots and cloak on, I headed straight for the door but a knock sounded before I got there.

"Who is it?" I put on a high and squeaky voice to mask my own.

"Only me" Hordan said and I opened up but he had an awfully grave expression on his face.

"What is it?" I demanded, pulling my hood up nervously, "What happened?"

"It looks like Robb Stark was never in the West" Hordan stepped inside and shut the door behind him, I frowned.

"How do you know? Where is he?" I asked, "That's frustrating, we will have to change course"

"It's not about our course anymore, Lya" He beckoned me to the bed and I sat down beside him, he took my hand in his then breathed deeply.

"What's happened, Hordan?" I demanded again, now increasingly unnerved.

"It seems news like this spreads fast"

He took another long deep breath.

"He was at the Twins. His uncle, Lord Edmure Tully was to marry a Frey daughter in his stead"

"Then he figured it out" I smiled softly, "I just wish it could've worked out for everyone"

"Lya" He began, "It didn't go to plan, Robb, his mother, his wife... they were killed"

My heart sank and bile rose in my throat, I took a shuddering breath then took retracted my hand from his, he didn't complain.

Everything seemed to crumble. How could this have happened? Robb was good and kind and just, he was just like his father but he met the same end. I couldn't wrap my head around it but I did feel Hordan's eyes on me all the way.

"Leave" I stammered.


"I said LEAVE" I rose my voice then softened slightly, not wanting to bring unwanted attention.

"I'll be downstairs" He told me then left as I had instructed.

The silence just made it all the worse, I wanted to scream and destroy everything around me but I just stared at the wall.

The tears fell, dropping like rain in my lap until I slowly reached for my pillow.

I let my face fall into the feathery softness before letting out a long painful scream, muffled by the cushion.

Oddly, it didn't help at all I just felt more broken and alone than ever.

It was all over.

I had nowhere to go.

The only man I had ever felt any closeness to in my life, was dead and I could only imagine my brother and mother had something to do with it.

Everything about it was awful, I was horrified and devastated and livid. How could this happen? The question went over and over in my head, all the while I screamed into my pillow until my throat was raw and I could hardly make a sound.

Hours passed, I was curled up on the bed with the tear soaked pillow in my arms and memories of a sweet northern gentleman in my heart. The same boy who promised to save me from a lifetime of fear and oppression from a person who should love me unconditionally.

I felt like I couldn't breath for those hours, like the world was caving in. That's because it was to me, all my plans and desires for the future were gone and the boy who would've made them happen was also gone in the span of a night.

Hordan found me when it was dark again, insisting we leave.

We sat opposite each other in silence, the map spread out on the table in front of us.

"Where?" He asked quietly, sipping his drink and avoiding eye contact.

"North" I croaked, "I want to go back to the north"

"Why?" He turned the map so we could see the top half more closely.

"The wall" I pointed at it, tracing my finger along the line slowly, "It's the only place we can really be free from all of this"

Hordan frowned, then he took the piece of charcoal he kept in his pocket and drew a small X in the centre of the line.

"beyond the wall it is" He nodded.

"We should go" I reminded him and he drained his tankard, gathering up our belongings and getting back on the road, going directly north instead of west.

The change in direction didn't feel odd, it felt right.

Again, we rode in silence. I was grieving and in pain like I hadn't felt before and Hordan understood, keeping his distance and letting me grieve in my own way and my own time.

Every now and then he offered me food, offered to stop for a bit but I always shook my head.

I was never hungry and I was always tired, there was no negotiating that so I just declined everything.

There was a long way to go before we got to the wall and I hoped the journey would give me some time to recover.

But only time would be able to tell.

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