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I kept myself hidden away for the rest of the day, sending Marin out to find food and assure my mother that I was feeling under the weather and I would be fine soon. But so it happens, I was silly to think being sick would keep my mother from forcing me to attend this meeting about the wolves.

"Come along, your grace" Marin put an hand to my back and gently pushed me from the tent, I refused to redress, deciding to stay in my simple dress and braid, besides it gave the impression that I was truly sick.

"Mother will make a sceptical of this, all because Joffrey cannot be a man and tell the truth" I grumbled, "That truth being that he was a coward and couldn't best a young girl"

"You mustn't let him bother you, your grace" Marin crooned, directing me to a tent far larger then any of the others, I could hear the loud voices from within, my heart caught in my throat, would they ask me to recount what happened? Would I lie for my brothers honour? What would he do if I told the truth?

"I don't, but it bothers me how he treats others. I can handle him being cruel to me, I always have" I reminded her, letting the guards pull back the drapes to let us enter into the chaos.

The room was filled to the brim with more guards but they parted to let us through, my father sat on a makeshift throne with my mother on his left, Joffrey looked like an ugly lost puppy cradling his bandaged arm. They all sported grim expressions until my mother saw me, she smiled sweetly and beckoned me forward.

"Oh Lya, darling" She swept me into a hug, "I heard you were unwell, are you alright?"

"I feel much better, the fresh air helped" I told her with a fake grin and she accepted it quickly, brushing a couple of loose strands of hair behind my ears.

"Stand here, child" Father boomed, pointing to his right and I scuttled into position, Marin took her place just behind me.

It was only then that I noticed little Arya in the midst of the guards, her dress dirty and hair disheveled, mud and dirt caking her round face. She looked distressed and nervous, all until another figure burst into the room, Ned Stark stormed through the sea of men towards his daughter and quickly checked her over before turning to the king.

"What is the meaning of this?" He demanded, I flinched just a little at his tone, he was usually so calm and level headed but I guess when it comes to ones daughters, a man is unpredictable. "Why was my daughter not brought to me at once?"

"How dare you speak to your king in that manner" Mother spoke bluntly, attempting to swiftly put a cork in Lord Starks outburst of emotion.

"Quiet, woman" Father scowled, not even sparing a glance for my mother whose mask didn't even crack, I gazed over, my brows drawn together in concern, but she didn't make eye contact, allowing me to see her as brave and confident even in the face of my fathers cruelty. "Sorry Ned, I never meant to frighten the girl but we need to get this business done quickly"

"Your girl and that butchers boy attacked my son" Mother piped up again, "That animal of hers almost tore his arm off", my heart sank as the lies fell so easily from my mothers lips and Joffrey just nodded like a small child, I shot him a look but he wasn't looking at me, instead he looked at the ground and tried to look like the victim. Arya was clearly having none of it.

"That's not true!" She exclaimed, "She just... bit him a little. He was hurting Mycah!"

"Joff told us what happened, you and that boy beat him with clubs while you set your wolf on him" Mother explained calmly, I stifled a scowl with a little cough, catching her glance just for a second, god forbid one of her children catches a fever.

"That's not what happened!" She defended indignantly.

"Yes it is!" Joffrey retorted, "they all attacked me and she threw my sword in the river", I glanced back at Marin who gestures for me to take a deep breath, I followed suit and began to play with the end of my braid nervously. I hated confrontation more than anything else.

"Liar!" She shouted.

"Shut up!" He whined like a baby, his voice cracking slightly.

"Enough" Fathers loud voice echoed through the room and it fell silent, "He tells me one thing, she tells me another, seven hells, what am I too make of this? Where's your other daughter, Ned?"

"In bed, asleep" Lord Stark insisted, looking more and more concerned with every word uttered in that room.

"She's not" Mother interjected, something mischievous flickering in her eyes, "Sansa, come here darling", she finished with a smile that would make even the loneliest of orphans feel loved.

Lord Stark and every other man turned to the entrance to watch as Sansa walked in, her head held low and a look of bewilderment that was all too familiar. She was flanked by a guard and looked worn out, like she could've slept perfectly and this was an interruption.

She wouldn't even look at her father and sister when she reached them, just meekly tipped her head at them, but she woke up a little when the king beckoned her forward.

"Now child, tell me what happened" He instructed, "Tell it all and tell it true, it's a great crime to lie to a king", I wished to strike him there and then, she was clearly terrified and he just threatened her with punishment, no wonder her little hands trembled slightly,

Sansa finally glanced over at her father then up at Joffrey before coming to a her decision, "I don't know. I don't remember. Everything happened so fast. I didn't see", as she spoke my mother put her arm gently around my brother but I just continued to fiddle with my braid, adding lip chewing to my anxiousness.

"Liar!" Arya cried out and launched herself at her sister, repeating the insult and yanking at her hair and cloak as Sansa tried to pull away. I wished to intervene but the sick smile on my mother's face made my stomach turn and instead I glared at the floor. Lord Stark finally separated them, my parents looked unimpressed and father was clearly bored of the matter already.

"She's as wild as that animal of hers" Mother hissed, "I want her punished", I looked over and wished she would look at me just once but she didn't dare.

"What would you have me do? Whip her through the streets?" Father said sarcastically but I feared that was exactly what she wanted. "Dammit, children fight, it's over"

"Joffrey will bare these scars for the rest of his life" Mother pressed, Father glanced over at Joffrey in disappointment.

"You let that little girl disarm you", Joffrey stayed silent but looked angry and ashamed but Arya didn't "Ned, see to it that your daughter is disciplined, I'll do the same with my son"

"Gladly your grace" Ned agreed and turned to leave but Mother wasn't finished.

"Lya" She announced, I looked up at her and she beckoned me forward.

"What's this?" Father scowled, "It's settled, be gone with you"

"Didn't you say your sister found you like this?" Mother gestured to Joffrey's arm and he nodded quickly then glared at me with what felt like burning embers.

"It's finished, Cersei" Father repeated but Mother didn't listen.

"What did you see?" She asked sweetly, I glanced up at the Stark girls and their father then to my own family, then back to the floor and back to the Starks. I opened my mouth to talk but nothing came out, I willed the truth but instead just stutters, nonsense swarmed my head, my letters to Robb and my conversations with Marin and Uncle Tyrion, anything but the question I was asked.

My head was so stuffed full of others secrets that I felt myself falling apart, then I felt weak and uncertain.

"Lya?" Mother asked through the cotton in my brain but it was no use, the ground came towards me and darkness ensued.

Ours is the Fury | Game of Thrones OCWhere stories live. Discover now