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Everything seemed to slow down, Sansa fainting, Joffrey laughing. My brain fogged almost instantly, the voices around me turning to mush as I stumbled blindly through the crowds.

Somehow the path became much clearer than before, I guess the show was over, but I still pushed through until I could smell the blood. In the corner of my eye I saw his body but I didn't let myself look for too long, instead I focused on the Stark girls.

"Lady Sansa" A woman was attempting to rouse her but I pushed her away.

"Leave her be, I'll stay with her" I insisted, taking the girl gently into my arms and scanning the surroundings for the younger girl but I couldn't see her anywhere. I prayed silently that she evaded capture, her sharp tongue would get her nowhere but in a grave like her father.

"Lya" My mother noticed my presence but I didn't acknowledge her at all, she didn't even bother to stop her own child from bringing about this awful situation. "Oh darling, look at you", she tried to touch my face but I moved my head away quickly, still looking out for Arya.

"Help me take her upstairs" I demanded, looking at the ladies in the corner and they rushed to my side, helping lift the young girl and I let them begin to take her away.

"Lya" My mother repeated, taking my arm and this time I looked at her, "What happened to you? Your face, your dress, your hair"

"Yes, I'm the one in disarray" I spoke mockingly and she flinched back, unsure how to address my tone.

"Are you alright?" She asked calmly and I drew my brows together, my eyes flicking straight to hers in shock.

"Am I?" I shot back, "What did you do? That wasn't mercy, that was barbaric! And in front of his young daughter"

"I tried" She stayed calm, thankfully the crowd had begun to dissipate and own conversation wouldn't be overheard, Joffrey was already moving onto his next victim anyway.

"You cannot fool me anymore" I reminded her, turning to follow the ladies but whipped her head back to spit one last word, "Mother"

"Lya" She called my name but I was already gone, the betrayal and heartbreak in my chest leaving me wounded beyond repair. I held back my tears as I was taught and held my head high, trailing after Lady Sansa and hoping her sister was safe and away from here.

Once she was settled, I returned to my own quarters and sat on the ruined sheets. My heart further ached when I thought of how I had no replacement maid to fix them, Marin's blood probably still stained the floor in the throne room while Lord Starks coated the steps of the Sept.

Curling into my sheets, I thought of everyone that had been lost and everyone I failed to save.

Sleep never came so I rolled out of the sheets and wrapped a thin shawl around my shoulders, slipping out my door and into the empty hall.

I wished to lose myself somehow, the walking helped but I could still see a knife slitting a throat and a sword falling on a neck in my mind, as clear as day. I felt like a ghost, trailing the grounds and finding myself in the godswood and staring at the trees as if they would suddenly wake up and talk to me, tell me everything would be alright.

No words came from my own mouth but it was as if they knew, as if they were answering all my questions with the answers I wanted to hear. The answers that would make everything better, one day I could leave here and take both the Stark girls and my own siblings, find Robb and live happily. Together we would all find a small corner of this world and be so terribly happy but the thought was too beautiful to be true.

Robb would never want to see my face again, not the same face that murdered his own father, the same blood ran through our veins. Almost the same.

When he receives the news, our engagement will end and Joffrey will marry me to any resentful lord he can find. He can send me to Dorne or even the Reach for all I care, anywhere I can be free of him is all I ask, and that would have to be without Robb.

"You're up late" A high voice stopped me in my tracks and I turned slowly, seeing my sister stood a few paces behind me in just her nightdress, her little blonde curls around her shoulders.

"As are you" I responded, "Go to sleep, Myrcella, it's late", I went to continue my walk but she followed me again.

"Then you should sleep" She came to my side and threaded her arm through mine as if we were promenading around the gardens.

"I cannot" I told her calmly, leaving out the details.

"I heard of what happened to Lord Stark, it wasn't difficult, everybody is speaking of it" Myrcella murmured, looking at her feet sadly.

"They should've been more careful, you are too young to know of such matters" I scowled, grasping her hand tightly, wishing to hold onto to her innocence as long as I could.

"Don't leave" She whispered and I stopped dead in my tracks, turning to look at her, it was then I noticed how much she had grown. I wasn't the tallest woman in Kings Landing far but now the top of my little sisters head came to my chin and I hadn't noticed, I had been so preoccupied.

"Why would you ever think I would?" I took both her hands in mine.

"When you walked past my room I thought you might be leaving" She replied, "I don't want you to go, I don't want you to go to the North or anywhere else"

"I don't want to leave you either, my love, and if I did go then I would most certainly take you with me" I tapped her nose gently then turned back the way we came, "Let's get you back to bed then"

When she was all tucked in and I had my hand on the door knob, she spoke up again, "Please stay, Lya, I'm scared"

I drew in a shaky breath and nodded in the dark, "Of course I will, I'll always be here"

I climbed into the bed beside her and listened to her breaths even out until I was certain she was asleep. For the next hour I just listened to her calm breaths and tried to clear my mind until eventually I gave into the nightmares and drifted into a treacherous nights sleep.

Ours is the Fury | Game of Thrones OCWhere stories live. Discover now