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Fathers laugh boomed across the table as he made some awful rude joke about the women in the city, his face turned a strange shade of purple as he wheezed and gulped more wine. I glanced at him only briefly, not wishing to see his state longer than I needed to, I saw him messily shovel more food into his mouth and the scraps dripping onto his shirt. As usual, I turned away and focused on my own dinner, a simple plate like Mother had which consisted of simply vegetables and a little meat.

"Not in front of the children, Robert" Mother sighed calmly, pushing her food around her plate grumpily as she usually did when Father opened his mouth. I looked up at Joffrey in front of me and he was snorting at Father, banging the table with his fist.

"You're right, Father, they're all whores" He snarled, "If the children don't understand then it doesn't matter what we say"

"Joffrey" Mother began but he waved a hand at her and she closed her mouth, gritting her teeth, she knew she couldn't control Joffrey and the only reason Father could was because he was the king and Joffrey had to listen.

My father and younger brother continued conversing about the poor women that we ruled over while Myrcella and Tommen giggled and tossed peas across the table. When the clock in the corner chimed, Mother scraped back her chair and walked away and I tried to follow but something heavy and sweaty clamped down on my wrist.

"Now where are you going, Lya" Father chuckled.

"I'd like to get Mother's opinion on my embroidery before she goes to sleep" I lied calmly, really I preferred her company to my fathers unlike Joffrey. There was little point in my learning anything from him, I would never be queen despite my position as Fathers eldest child and so my time was better spent with Mother who could teach me to be a wife and a mother. That was all I was ever going to be, married off to one of the high houses, perhaps Loras Tyrell, Trystane Martell, Robb Stark or even a Frey son, there were ever so many of them I couldn't name one if I tried. I accepted my fate before I even understood it and I still didn't quarrel about it, there was nothing to be done, I was to become a pointless princess spinster stuck under Joffreys jurisdiction or the future matriarch of a high house where I had at least some authority.

"You girls, always fretting about something" He slurred drunkenly, "She's better off teaching you about how to get fucked by the right man" he cackled and Joffrey joined in as usual, Myrcella and Tommen looked up in confusion and I felt my cheeks flush a deep red.

"Your grace" A little voice popped up by my side, I turned quickly and nodded, hoping anything would deter this awful conversation.

"Yes!" I exclaimed brightly, the messenger was emotionless as he recounted the words.

"The Queen has requested your presence in her chambers"

"Very well." I smiled, "I'll be there shortly. Goodnight Father" I curtseyed perfectly, "Joffrey", I tipped my head in his direction and he scowled, "Myrcella, Tommen", I grinned at them and they waved excitedly, still flicking peas and giggling away like the children I wished they would always be.

I walked briskly out the dining room, letting the royal blue silk of my gown trail behind me, several servants glanced up at me but I ignored them, frankly I was tired and humiliated by my own fathers comments.

Keeping my face placid, I trailed through the corridors and across the courtyard to my mothers rooms, never letting my feelings show, not until I was alone or even with my mother or sister.

She was waiting for me when I knocked on the door, her long blonde hair braided simply over her shoulder and her velvet red gown was discarded for a nightgown and satin robe. Her eyes were emotionless as she usually was, but she ushered me inside quickly.

Ours is the Fury | Game of Thrones OCWhere stories live. Discover now