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We arrived at Deepwood Motte, the seat of House Glover and our welcome was even more sour than on Bear Island. Unlike before, we barely made it through the gates, so I stood behind Jon and Sansa, my dark hair and eyes as plain as day.

Jon began to tell the same story he told Lady Lyanna, but Lord Glover was much less interested in hearing what he had to say.

"Lord Glover, if you could just hear us out" Jon tried desperately but to no avail, I shifted my weight nervously, but kept my gaze at the floor.

"I've heard enough" Lord Glover interrupted angrily, "We've only just taken back this castle from the Ironborn, the Boltons helped us do it. Now you want us to fight against them, I could be skinned for even talking to you"

"The Boltons are traitors" Jon argued, "Roose Bolton-"

"Have other northern houses pledged to fight for you?" Lord Glover interrupted, I looked up quickly but avoided his gaze.

"House Mormont" Jon began, trailing off into silence with only the crackle of the torches to be heard.

"And" Lord Glover pushed.

"We sent ravens to Houses Manderly-"

"I don't care about ravens" He was interrupted again, "You're asking me to join your army, who is fighting in this army"

Jon glanced backwards in my direction for just a second before responding, "the bulk of the force is made up of wildlings"

Lord Glover chuckled dryly, "Then the rumours are true, I didn't dare believe them", he paused and looked saddened for a moment, "I received you out of respect for your father, now I would like you to leave. House Glover will not abandon its ancestral home to fight alongside wildlings", he began to trudge back up the stone steps to his castle.

I took a short step to my right and brushed my knuckles against the back of Jon's arm, the smallest of contact that no one else would see but we both would feel.

"Lord Glover-" He called out.

"I have nothing else to say" Lord Glover threw back without even turning around.

"I would remind you that House Glover is pledged to House Stark, sworn to answer when called upon" Sansa spoke up, stopping him in his tracks, both Jon and I looked over at her, unsure. But Lord Glover had already come towards Sansa and paused in front of her. Jon took the moment to reach behind and take my hand calmly.

"Yes, my family served House Stark for centuries. We wept when we heard of your fathers death. When my brother was lord of this castle, he answered Robb's call and hailed him King in the North. And where was King Robb when the Ironborn attacked this castle, when they threw my wife and children in prison and brutalised and killed our subjects, taking up with a foreign whore, getting himself and those who followed him killed. I served House Stark once but House Stark is dead" With that, he returned to his castle and left us in the courtyard, speechless.

"It-" I began, faltered then went silent.

When we arrived at camp, I went off on my own to hear my own thought for a little while.

The camp was decent, safe, but just life everything else about the North, it was cold, I wrapped myself up tighter as I settled on a small rock. I let my head fall into my hands, it had been a long few days and I had woken every single time with the expectation of a raven bearing the sigil of House Lannister but none came.

How long had it been? A year, two? I couldn't even make a strong guess as to how old I was, I had no knowledge of time passed.

But worst of all, I was afraid for Jon and his lack of men. If he marched on Winterfell, he would lose and House Stark would disappear forever, he would disappear forever.

House Glover wasn't the last, but it was one of the strongest and if they wouldn't fight, then who would?

When I finally brought my head up, the sun was setting and I gazed around the camp with a sigh, fires were being built higher and in some cases armour was being removed. I settled my sights on my betrothed, in a deep discussion with Ser Davos, despite everything going on I still felt my stomach flip a little and I had to hide my smile. I watched until they entered a larger tent and the sun was gone completely, it was only then that I trekked back down the slope I had climbed and searched out the tent I would share with Sansa.

She was curled up on her side when I slipped into the tent, I was quiet but she made no noise or even acknowledged that she knew I was there.

Once I was settled on the ground beside her, curled up in the opposite direction, she finally spoke.

"He's going to get himself killed" She said calmly, shuffling a little afterwards.

"Yes" I replied in the same tone, "He is"

And I fell into a restless and freezing sleep.

Ours is the Fury | Game of Thrones OCWhere stories live. Discover now