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The next thing I knew I was running from my room in a frenzy, Marin trying to calm me down but failing to. The tears growing in my eyes but being pushed back by my pride as I raced across the Keep as fast as my legs could take me, straining against the weight of my pathetic gown.

When I arrived, the guards let me in without any protest and I fell at my fathers side.

"Lya" He groaned and I nodded quickly.

"I'm here" I whispered, grabbing his hand gently, "What happened?"

"A fucking boar" He chuckled and I closed my eyes in disbelief, "It got me good"

"Don't worry. In a few days, you'll be right as rain!" I exclaimed, smiling brightly but he didn't return the sentiment at all and I felt mine fall away.

"Your mother will be here soon" He murmured, leaning back and groaning again then he reached over and slid his ring off carefully, "Here"

"I cannot," I hissed, "It belongs to Joffrey now"

"It will belong to whoever I fucking give it to" Father grumbled and shoved it in my hand, wrapping my fingers around it, "Do what you will, make a necklace or throw it away-", he caught sight of the pendant already round my neck, I reached for it.

"It's them both" I told him, "Mother had it made for me"

"You're more of a Baratheon than a Lannister that's for certain" He laughed, "More of a Baratheon than any of your siblings so it's yours to do as you wish", the door flew open at that moment and Mother came charging in.

"Oh Robert!" She spoke disappointingly, as if she thought of it as an inconvenience, Ser Barristan and Grand Maester Pycelle followed her closely, she didn't come close at all and just watched as I clutched his hand tightly.

Before she could say anything else, Joffrey pushed into the room, actually looking distressed for once, "Move aside", he shoved me and took my place at Fathers bedside, my fathers bedside.

I stood up, still fighting my tears and glancing over at my mother, hoping for some small piece of sympathy she might throw my way but she didn't even look at me. She watched my father and Joffrey talk about being king and the future while I stood there silently, because that's all she ever wanted me to be - silent, beautiful and silent. I held my head high and turned on my heel, leaving the room, leaning heavily against the door when I closed it.

"Your grace" Uncle Renly was outside with Lord Stark, both full of concern, I nodded at them both solemnly and took off down the hallway, they both turned and frowned at me but continued their descent into my fathers death chamber.

I collapsed before I even got to my room, letting the tears fall and my entire body shake.

It wasn't just grief for my father, it was fear for what my brother could do as king, what he could do if he knew the truth. My own brother could kill me or worse, try and marry me to keep the crown.

I curled into the wall like a child, clutching at my arms and the material of my gown, feeling every ounce of emotion flow through my body, every piece of pain making my heart ache a little more.

When it finally stopped, and I breathed properly for a moment, I stood and dried my eyes.

I couldn't stay here with Joffrey as king, I couldn't stand by and watch him destroy the kingdom with his disgusting and malicious ways, he would be the worst tyrant that the world has ever seen.

Pushing off the wall, I ignored my bedroom completely and did the only thing I could and I walked, away from my dying father, my spiteful brother and my conniving mother.

Down the stairs and into the throne room, I passed the throne without a glance in its direction, why would I care for something that could never be mine.

The doors opened for me when I glanced at the guards and they didn't ask, I was a princess in mourning, they didn't know how to act in my presence.

Once they closed behind me, I picked up my skirts and ran as quickly as I could, passing the people of the city who were too busy with their difficult lives to care for a rich and spoilt princess running from her perfect life.

I'd never been to this part of the city but I kept the wall in sight, I knew which direction to go in but getting there was my problem.

Finally, I pushed past the last group of townspeople and came to edge of the city, trying to control my breathing as much as possible.

As I come to the entrance, a guard stepped into my way and I stepped back instinctively.

"Let me through" I demanded, but another guard just stepped up next to him and I swallow in concern.

Neither of them said a word, so I turned around and came face to face with two more guards who I recognised from the Keep.

My heart was pounding and I stood straighter.

"I need to leave the city, my fathers brother Lord Stannis Baratheon should hear of his brothers death from me, not a letter" I lied, but my uncle could protect me if I asked him to, but I was a threat to him just as much as to Joffrey.

"The King insists you remain in the city" A guard spoke monotonously, spitefully adding "you grace", at the end, clearly seeing through my lies.

I turned again, coming face to face with more guards and even more on the other side, two of them grabbed me and began to drag me back to into the city until I gave in, walking calmly back to the Keep, to await my punishment from Joffrey.

"Bad idea, your grace" A guard hissed in my ear with a laugh and I gritted my teeth in anger and a bit of fear.

Ours is the Fury | Game of Thrones OCWhere stories live. Discover now