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Months passed and we continued our journey north, we had passed the Neck and were almost into the Barrowlands. Nothing particularly eventful occurred which just terrified me more. Something big was coming.

It did come, we were sitting in a little inn and it was off, the people seemed to pay too much attention to us and it concerned me.

What was even more strange was the beautiful dreams I had that night, I dreamt of being the Lady of Winterfell with a beautiful baby girl in my arms. I was stood looking over the courtyard while the little one wriggled, I glanced down at her and smiled adoringly at her bright blue eyes, just like mine and my fathers.

As I pushed back the blanket, I was startled by the mass of white hair she had, like the Targaryens.

Then a voice whispered my name.

"Lya" The voice seemed to croak.

I shuffled around in my bed, trying to ignore the voice that was clearly ignorant to my sleep.

"Lya" The voice was more in pain than croaky now and I recognised it. It was Hordan.

"Hordan?" I grumbled, rolling over and opening my eyes.

When I could see him, I sat up abruptly and cried out.

"HORDAN!" I wailed.

His eyes were wet and brow sweaty, there was fear but also sadness in his eyes.

Then there was the sword through his throat and the blood beginning to spill out his mouth.

"Lee" He tried to croak but someone shoved him forward and off the sword, he fell into my lap, his blood staining the sheets and dripping onto the floor. I grabbed at his body and put my hands to his face, cradling him close to me.

"Shhh" I comforted, the tears giving me away, "It's going to be alright, just stay calm"

"Lee" He tried to call me again and I choked out another cry, completely ignoring the six other men in the room who were searching everything.

"I'm here, shhhh, everything will be alright" I continued, stroking his hair blood matted hair from his face.

His breathing weakened and soon his eyes turned glassy and he gave up. A sob racked through me and I hugged him to my body tightly.

An unfamiliar and rough hand grabbed my arm and tried to pull me away from Hordan.

"No!" I screamed, trying as hard as possible to hold onto him. "How could you?!!"

"Oh he was just a soldier," The leader who had killed Hordan chuckled, "The king wants you home"

"Joffrey can come find me himself!" I sobbed, the men looked at each other in confusion.

"King Joffrey is dead" The youngest piped up from the corner, "King Tommen sent us, as soon as he was crowned"

I gasped back a sob, shocked and devastated by Hordans body in my arms but slightly relieved to know that it was Tommen who wanted me home, my baby brother.

Slowly, I leaned forward and placed a kiss to Hordans forehead and let my tears fall on his still warm skin.

"Take me home" I whispered, my lips still on his skin.

The soldiers grabbed me, not even bothering to get me dressed or bring my cloak, as you could imagine. They dragged me out into the snow, my tears immediately froze on my face but they flaked off when the soldier punched me across the jaw and I went sprawling into the snow.

"The late king insisted that the first person to find you did that, best keep his posthumous wishes" He laughed, "And I enjoyed it"

Then another two hauled me up and they marched me back to the road where we continued north.

"This isn't the way to Kings Landing" I sniffed, Hordans blood still smothered over my night dress and hands, under my nails and in every crack in my skin.

"We ain't going there" Their leader snickered, "We're loyal to the Boltons,"

"The Boltons?" I asked as they shoved me along, my tears were still flowing but slower, freezing and unfreezing.

"The Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North will send you back" He continued.

Thoughts of the Starks penetrated my grief long enough for me to ask, "And who would that be?"

"Lord Roose Bolton" He sneered, "He will be very happy to see you"

I grimaced, sniffing back my tears and trudging along with them.

"Keep moving!" He jabbed me in the back with the back of his sword.

"How long has it been?" I began, "Since I left the capital?"

"Since Lord Stannis mounted an attack?" The young soldier narrowed it down and I nodded.


"year and a half" He concluded and I swayed a little, Hordan and I had been running for so long and for what? He was dead and I was being sent home to my baby brother who I probably wouldn't even be able to recognise him or Myrcella, wherever she was.

I gulped, perhaps going home wasn't the worst outcome.

In that moment, I could've slapped myself as hard as humanly possible. Hordan sacrificed his life to get me here and I was not going back without a fight, I would kill all six of these men to get away from my family.

Thankfully, one of the quieter men had grabbed my boots but my arms were freezing and I hugged them to my body, running my hands up and down them to try and stay warm.

It didn't work.

"Can I have a cloak?" I tried to sneer but my tear and blood stained appearance were pretty much a walking emotional banner.

"Do you have a cloak?" The leader asked rudely.

"No otherwise I would be wearing it" I scowled, moving my hands even faster.

"Then no" He chuckled and I ground my teeth angrily.

"Lovely" I grumbled, trying to brush the frozen blood off of my arms but it was stuck like glue.

This would be a deathly cold and quite emotional journey.

Every thought was of the life lost to save mine.

"Sleep tight, Hordan, I am so sorry" I murmured to myself as the tears fell into the snow.

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