Your shitty boyfriend | 006

Start from the beginning

On the second to last step, Aurelia misses it and trips and falls on the ground. "Shit, Rae, are you okay?" I ask her. "Yeah, I didn't fall too hard. My ankle hurts a little bit though." She shrugs. "Bil, help me get her up." Gigi says. I nod and we both lift her up. "Fuck, it hurts to walk." She groans in pain once she puts a little bit of pressure on it. "Here, let me help you." I go to pick her up, but someone stops me.

"No, I got it." I look up to see it's Lorenzo and I mentally roll my eyes. "No, really, it's fine." I tell him. "She's my girlfriend, I can handle it." He says.

"Jesus, dude, don't get so worked up. Go ahead and do it if it makes you that upset." I scoff.

He huffs and picks Aurelia up bridal style. "Ew, Enzo, you're fucking dirty." Rae grimaces. He literally just played a football game and he's covered in dirt and sweat and now he's carrying her.

"You'll survive." He rolls his eyes. "We're taking you to the nurse." He tells her. Gigi looks at me with widened eyes. "Guys, we'll catch up." She tells Aurelia and Lorenzo. "What's wrong?" I ask Gigi. "I didn't like the way he was talking to you both." She shakes her head.

"I don't get what Rae sees in him. He's a total asshole." I sigh. "She's blinded by his so-called charm. He's a dick to everyone else, but he treats her like a fucking princess." She says.

"You know he fucked her and then made her go home when it was hard for her to walk because he wanted to play video games with his friends?" I ask her. "Are you fucking serious? Oh, I'm gonna beat his ass." I see anger grow in her eyes.

"C'mon, let's go and make sure she's okay." I suggest. She nods and we catch up to the two of them at the nurse.

We get there and I see Rae sitting on a bed in there with Lorenzo next to her. "You can go. You have no reason to be here." He says to me.

"Lorenzo, she's my friend, she can stay." Aurelia tells him. "You know what? I was just trying to be a good boyfriend, but I guess you don't want that. I need to go home and shower." He scoffs and gets up.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I love you." She says. "Love you too." He mumbles and walks out. I see Rae frown and tears fill up in her eyes. "Hey, don't let him do that to you. Rae, you deserve so much better than that." I tell her.

God, why does she let him do this to her?

"I don't know why he's being like this. And he was being rude to you and it made me feel terrible. I'm sorry, Bil." She sniffles. "You have nothing to be sorry for. Are you okay, love?" I ask her.

"Hey, guys, I'm gonna head out. I love you Rae, text me later, okay?" Gigi says. "Okay, I love you, G." She says to Gigi. "Feel better, babe." Gigi smiles. "Bye, Billie." She waves to me. "Bye." I wave back.

"Gigi calls you 'babe?'" I ask Aurelia. "Yeah, that's just her thing." Rae shrugs. A woman comes in the room who I assume is the nurse due to the scrubs she's wearing. "Alright, Ms. Green, here is your brace. You'll need it for about 2 weeks." The lady says to Aurelia as she puts the brace on her foot.

"A brace?" My eyes widen. "Just a little sprain. She'll be alright." The nurse says to me and I nod. "Thank you." Rae tells the nurse. She smiles and walks out.

"Let me get you home." I say to her. "I can go myself, it's okay." She shakes her head. "Aurelia, please just be good and listen to me." I sigh. "Okay.." She says.

I turn my back so she can grab onto it. She wraps her arms around my neck and I give her a piggyback ride back to her dorm. Once I get there, I open the door and set her down on her bed. "Alright, there you go." I say. "You need anything else?" I ask. "I'm okay, thank you. You're seriously so sweet, Bil." She chuckles softly.

"It's the least I can do." I shrug with a small smile. "Okay, goodnight, Rae. I know it's still early, but you know." I laugh. "Call me if you need anything else." I kiss her head and she nods. "Alright." She grins.

I smile and walk out of her dorm. I go down to my car and start to drive home. The whole time I'm driving, all I can think about is Lorenzo.

He's such an asshole and Aurelia deserves so much better than him.

She deserves me.

a/n 🤍

this chap kinda sucks i'm sorry 😭

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