Chapter 11: True Rivals

Start from the beginning

Arman> "Wait, did that kid just copy my abilities?!"

Jean> "I'm surprised he is able to since Dragons Slayer Magic is a lost magic only few have."

Lorenzo> "H-he must be very skilled to use it..."

Jean> "Yeah, that's some crazy shit right there."

Arman> "Could it be he learned from just watching me???"

Jean> "Don't know. It's strange."

Arman> "He's also using more than one dragon slayer magic. Is it possible they found dragon lacrimas for him or something?"

Jean> "I have no idea..."

Pebbs had a moment to himself to think of what his next move could be. Darker got bored of just floating around in the sky so he decided to come closer to the ground and fly around the trees to search for Pebbs. Pebbs heard him come his way and prepared to sneak attack him. As soon as he saw Darker roaming around her used the Fire Dragon Roar attack to knock him back, the Fire Dragon Wing attack as a diversion attack so Darker would focus on dodging that so he could use speedforce to go behind Darker and use the Iron Dragons Sword to slash him. Darker gripped the sword to stop it from slashing him and held onto it with a firm grip. Since the Sword attack is Attached to Pebbs's body, Darker uses his explosion magic to blast Pebbs down into the ground, and continuously explodes him until he is roughed up badly.

Darker> "Looks like it's over."

Sasha> "Oh no... I hope he's okay."

Matthew> "That Abbadon member, he's so powerful..."

Catsi> "Y-yeah! It's scary actually!"

Shashin> "All these powers he possesses... they sort of remind me of those of a Devil."

Blazera> "Perhaps that is what it is then."

Shashin> "I don't know, I'm just guessing."

Blazera> "Don't overthink it, Shashin."

Just when everyone thought it was over, the smoke from the explosion started to clear and Pebbs with all his power left went full speed jumping up at Darker and used Fire Dragon's Iron Fist to punch him real hard in the face. They then sparred a bit in close combat, throwing punches and kicks at one another and Pebbs was able to keep up easily. Darker decided to add a bit of explosion to the punch but Pebbs predicted this and went behind him and used Iron Dragons Hard Fist attack to knock down Darker into the ground and started punching him constantly with this attack. Darker used his explosion magic to make Pebbs back off and he did since he didn't want to be exploded.

Darker> "Finally, a worthy opponent."

Pebbs> "Glad you see me that way."

Darker> "I'm sorry it has to end so badly for you."

The voices in Pebbs's head got louder to a point where it was making his head ring of pain. Pebbs held his head z bit but was still able to focus on the fight. He knew another trick he could use to possibly win and has been saving this for when Darker finally came back to the ground.

Pebbs> "Are you sure about that?"

Darker> "What's that supposed to mean?"

Though it was rough for Pebbs to concentrate, he still did it, Arman's Nature Dragon Camouflage ability. He was now able to hide among the forest. Pebbs wasn't the only one watching that battle though, and Darker thought of how Fuyumi countered this, by getting rid of the terrain around. Darker started exploding random parts of the terrain, while also putting up an explosion barrier around himself, so that Pebbs couldn't target him from up close. Pebbs hid, and when he heard an explosion used Speedforce while camouflaged to dodge. Pebbs noticed something about the explosion barrier around Darker, it seemed the explosions weren't going off every millisecond and actually had a 0.5 second delay in which he could do an attack in or try to time it. With this opening, Pebbs used Fire Dragon Brilliant flame, and waited for 0.5 seconds to aim it so it went through the barrier and hit Darker. Before it had hit Darker, Darker was able to analyse which direction it came from and headed that way, making constant explosions in that direction, clearing the forest. By now the forest terrain had gone and the Camoflauge no longer worked. However, from all the explosions was fog covering the arena. Nobody could see, not even Darker or Pebbs. They wandered aimlessly, hoping to discover the other person first to finish them off, but ended up running into each other. Both worn out and almost low on magic energy.

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