Guild Members and Information before Reading:

Start from the beginning

Traits: Snobbish, Judgemental

-Arman Dubois (2)

Magic: Nature Dragon Slayer

Traits: Playful, Chill, Awkward 

-Rozu (5)

Magic: Vine Magic

Traits: Antisocial, Boring

-Lorenzo (4)

Magic: Tarot Card Magic, Foresight

Traits: Cowardly, Awkward


History: Newbold is famously known as the "architects" guild, since its structure is so famously known for centuries and still standing to this day. Made of stone, looking very menacing as it is basically a castle on the hill, most people are fascinated by this guild. The people who have built this guild are also famously known in the capital for building many buildings there. Their guild sort of gives off the vibe of the Duomo Cathedral in Milan.

Biome - Mountains 


-Angelique (2)

Magic: Requip Magic: Armor and Weapons

-Haruto Igarashi (3)

Magic: Chain Magic, Invisibility, Ability to Hide Magical Power

Traits: Relaxed, Oblivious 

-Sasha (5)

Magic: Drinking Magic?

Traits: Chill, Daring, Fun

-Artec (1)

Magic: Imagination 

Traits: Dad sort of vibe, Jokes a lot

-Liam Young 

Magic: Nature Magic, Healing Magic 

Traits: Quiet, Calm, Direct, Proper


History: Before the construction of this guild took place, they used this area as a capital city for all guilds to visit. This area was ruled by an old king who died a while ago, and his palace then became the guild's location. Taking the name of this old king as their name, the Aldrich guild pays great respects to their king. Most people in this guild are usually knights protecting the city, since it is a place for all guilds. 

Biome - Plains 


-Johnathan Forbes (4)

Magic: Metal Manipulation

Traits: Gentlemanlike, Loyal, Has a big heart 

-Quentin Peterson (1)

Magic: Enchantments & Power Disable

Learned Abilities: Telepathic Communication 

Traits: Natural born leader, forward, go-getter

-Finmin (2)

Magic: Geokinesis, Golem creation

-Valorie (3)

Magic: Beast Takeover

Traits: Strong-willed, Competitive, Good mindset 

-Ren Farrell (5)

Magic: Weapon Enhancement: Pistols 

Traits: Borderline psychopath, loves helping others, honest

-Sephora (Guardian Angel?)


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