Chapter 82: Power-hunger IV [Adumfor Arc II]

Start from the beginning

Vlad (through door): H-Hey, where is the deser- A-AH-! 

Only the noise of being pushed on the bed through the door could be heard... Leaving the rest of the night a mystery for the unaware and those who know, know about the moaning...

The next morning, Ultra was at the same place and Elaina arrived on time.

Amelia: Hey there, surprised to see you on time, even though you and Vlad were ya know.

Elaina: Hey, I'm never late to my trainings-

Amelia: Really? Your record says otherwise, especially those private trainings by private mentors-

Elaina: E-Enough! Let us just get to the point- Wait what are you doing here, where is X?

Amelia grins.

Amelia: He is on a mission with your boyfriend right now, so I am taking his place in training your half-breedable ass into a fighter.

Elaina: Oh yeah right, I... I forgot...

Elaina sighs and they begin the training.

Meanwhile with Elijah, he was walking by the forest and arrived at the usual spot, The Cursed Energy Devil appears and they continue their training in preparation for August 15th.

Both of them proceeded to train until lunch time and then they take a break, during the break Makima comes by again.

Makima: Hello there, seems like you both are done training again.

Elijah: How come Isabella or any of the eltie guards sensed you as a devil?

Makima: It is a simple devil technique, camoflauged. I ended up sensed as a half-breed.

Elijah sighs, but he knows the contract allows him to also use simple devil techniques only with his knowledge and how the ability worked.

Makima: Anyways down to work, The war devil escaped Adumfor, couldn't catch her as you requested, Cursed Energy devil. However, should be expected, she is quite slippery when she lets Asa take back control, the devil energy is just gone for some reason.

Cursed Energy Devil: Well, she doesn't really change our plans that much, but if she attempted to kill Elijah, it would change a lot, wouldn't it?

Makima: Correct.

Makima smiles.

Makima: We need him alive for the plan, after all he will play our hero of course after killing Ultra, he will save Isabella and tell her to run at the forest after she is beaten badly, she will find me, we will make the contract and I own Adumfor as a whole... Which means I can also get a new source of power for devils and a new devil spawn base hidden all within Adumfor.

Cursed Energy Devil: Hmm, isn't like the devil council discussing their plans to hide their place in south America, like?

Makima: Yeah, but I was temporaly kicked from the council and replaced until I make a stable contract with someone and for the fact I let my original one be broken.

Makima sighs.

Makima: So, how is Elijah's training doing?

Cursed Energy Devil: On-point, but he will miss the arena challenges since I gotta make him much, much more endure to cursed energy. But hey, for the plan to work, get more analysis of all the challenges, we know UltraX and Elaina will have a rematch like last year. You watched on TV how it went. We need analysis of every challenger's arsenal.

Makima: Alright, if you say so. Anyways it is happening in 2 days, so... It will be interesting.

Elijah looked at Makima for a moment and then looked back at his lunch, wondering what is she gonna do if she got bored of him, after all he knew her nature, she would love to use him as a dog either ways...

Elijah: Is there any chance this analysis will help me get stronger and find a weak spot in UltraX's weird reflect ability?

Makima: Reflect ability?

Makima was curious, The Cursed Energy devil was also curious.

Elijah: His ability is from his family's bloodline, it doesn't require a manfiestation to use and it is in a way manual, if you try to hit him with lots of power, the power gets nullified and once ya make contact, that attack was directly returned to you with your power 2x more and it is a sure-hit so he doesn't have to move to reflect it right back at ya, he has no drawback with it.

Makima: ...So, you're telling me... That this ability alone has no drawback, does that mean-?

Cursed Energy Devil: No, he has a weakness, it is manual, it has to have some sort of drawback, it is impossible... He must've mastered it at a young age to use it so effectively.

As they discussed, someone was hiding behind a tree listening to their conversation.

??? (Talking to themself): ... Kanomato, you sure you want to betray your sister like that? She won't be happy about you.

The person then turned invisible and only small and quieter noise of footsteps through bushes and footsteps could be heard...

Elijah: I doubt he can keep it up forever, surprise attacks do not work on him since he can activate it as quick as he needs it to reflect it back at the opponent. However, his manifestation is unknown, thought it was both parents combined, but nah. Also his physical strength and raw power is absolutely on a whole other level, so is his speed.

Even though Elijah felt a bit hopeless to compete, he had to remember, if he hit Ultra hard enough with his manifestation, he would kill him and win the fight. The 2 devils and Elijah continued discussing the plan.

End of Chapter

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