chapter 28

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(it's time for jisoo's pov)

jisoo's pov

lisa is now parking my car at the garage so we can bring the two girls more safely

"I'll get rosè and you'll take jennie" i told lisa and she nodded in agreement

"you guys go in first, I'll get jennie later since we can't fit all together through that door" lisa suggested and i look at her with confusion

"are you sure?" she nodded and i hum in response

i got out of the car and jog around the other car door to get the sleeping rosè

as soon as i open the car door, her body slammed to me softly and thank God I'm now sober cause if I'm still drunk she'll probably kiss the floor right now

i keep tapping her shoulders to wake her up and i can see that she's now trying to open her eyes

"let's get you inside" she nodded and tried to stand up but because of the drug she can barely stand

i wrap my left arm to her waist and put her right arm to my shoulder and trying my best to give her a helping hand without even struggling

before we reached the front door lisa opened it for us

"you sure you can handle her?" i nodded and so is she

"yeah, now go back to jennie. she might need you" she quickly jog back to the car

me and rosè are currently trying to keep up with our stance, up to the stairs we almost stumble and fall but gladly i use my remaining strength to not let her fall

we soon reached her bedroom and as soon as i closed the door behind us she instantly flop on the bed with my arms still wrapped around her shoulders

I'm now trying to pull my arm since it's very uncomfortable

when i was so near to pull my arms she's stopping me to actually let go

"hey, why?" i try asking her and looking if she actually know what she's doing

"rosè? i kinda need my hands now" her grip is still strong

when i try to actually pull my hands, she whispered something but i didn't hear it

"what's that?" i whispered back and bring my ear closer to her lips

"i said, stay here for a while" sound barely came out from her voice but i quickly understand what she was saying

"you sure?" she nodded, her eyes still half closed

i sat down beside her, my arms are still in her waist so yeah I'm living uncomfortably here

"what if you lay down?" rosè whispered and pull me closer to her

I'm now on top of her, she's back to sleep but I'm barely breathing

her face is perfect, tall nose beautiful eyes and soft lips. her blonde hair suits her perfectly

i decided to fix my posture and lay down beside her to end the night

my arm are still on her back so i decided to pull her closer to me this time.

i cover the both of us a blanket and drift to sleep since I'm tired as hell


lisa's pov

"are you sure?" jisoo's asking me if I'm sure with my decision where she and rosè are gonna go in first and we'll just tail after

i nodded and she just hum

i open the front door for them and i can see how jisoo try not to stumble and fall

my eyes never leave jisoo and rosè incase they need some help, when they reached the stairs that's when i decided that they're already good

and now it's time to get Jennie

i open the shot gun sit and there i saw her sleeping peacefully

the sit is reclined so she's probably having a good sleep

i open the door and bring a chair to stop it from closing on it's own

i get back to jennie and i swear I'm trying to wake her up in the most possible way i can think of

"hey, kim. wake up"

"jennie, wakey?"

"jen, can you walk? or ever open your eyes?"

i unfortunately give up, i mean she's even snoring so yeah

i look at the time and it's already 9:30

"here goes nothing" i decided to just carry jennie until to her room

i put my arm behind her nape and the other beneath her legs, I'm now carrying her in bridal style

cause i know this is the most safest way to do rather than carrying her to my back, besides i don't want to wake her up.

i mean earlier, yeah i did try to wake her up but now I'm good

i carry her to her room and put her to bed in the most gentle way i could ever do

after i put her to bed, i jog to the front door and close the door

i came back to Jennie's room and i saw her sleeping peacefully as if she never really left the car

i was about to let her be when i remembered something

rosè told me that jennie doesn't like sleeping with make up on, she told me that earlier ago while eating breakfast when i ask her about jennie

i walk to the mini table and saw her make up kit, i grab the make up remover wipes thing and sit on the bed beside her

i gently wipe her face with it and try to clean her up without irritating her or waking her up

once I'm done, i threw the few used wipes to garbage can underneath the study table

i sit on the bed beside her once again and look at her state now

she's still wearing her clothes from earlier which is a crop top and a pants

i can see that she's now feeling cold because of how she shivers so i wrap the blanket on her and tucked her in

"goodnight, nini. sleep tight" i kiss her forehead goodnight, i don't know i guess I'm used to kiss my siblings forehead goodnight

"goodnight, lili" she murmurs in her sleep and just a second later, she's now snoring

lili? well, that's something


i really apologize if I'm always late with my updates, mental health crisis xoxo

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