chapter 15

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lisa's p.o.v.

i look at her after she thanked me, i just nodded. "do you want to leave?" i ask her, i need answers. she nodded and i told her to wait for me here and I'll just get jisoo's car keys, she'll understand.

i walk inside the venue once again and was about to go to jisoo when i saw my dad proudly introducing my brothers to his colleagues, i sigh and proceed to go to jisoo. i don't know if i should be happy or sad, should i be happy that at least i have a father? or sad cause he don't see me as his daughter? i shake the thoughts away when I'm infront of jisoo. "cous, I'm just gonna accompany jennie home, she told me she's already tired and have a bad headache" she looks at me and to her plate infront of her again. "oh, really? I'm gonna go with you guys, besides I'm already full. and i brought myself some take away" she told me with a proud smile and wiggled the plastic bag in her hand. "sure, Jennie's in the parking lot already. I'm just gonna bid my goodbyes to sir marco and kai and hanbin" she nodded and proceed to go to jennie.

i walk to where mr marco is and bowed at him. "sir, I'm here to bid my farewells. i need to see my siblings before it gets dark" he looks at me and smiled, he hold my shoulder and smiled. "i understand, get some food and a container in the kitchen. bring them some food as well" i smiled at him. "thank you sir" he just nodded. "well, then! ask a waiter to accompany you" i nodded and obeyed. I'm pretty sure my siblings will like some of this expensive as shit food. a waiter accompany me shortly and bring me to the kitchen. after i took away some food, i was about to leave when i saw hanbin and kai. kai hugged me right away and hanbin is smiling at us.

"big sis! i miss you! it's been a while. i haven't seen you in so long!" he told me with a smile. kai is 2 years younger than us but we're still in a good terms. he never look down on me and still respect me as his sister. "wow, kai. you've grown! you're all grown up now and look you? getting married already?" he smiled shyly and scratch his nape. "well, this lover boy fell hard" hanbin teased him and his face looks red. me and han just laugh. "don't worry, after a few months. I'll be the one who's gonna get married" hanbin told us with a smile and i can't help but feel akward.

"oh by the way? how did you and your bride met?" i ask kai to avoid the tension. he just smiled and look at me. "we met in a cafè, she put her name as angelina jolie and i put mine as Brad Pitt. we both laugh when we notice how everyone's looking at us. and there's that, 2 years being with her i decided to marry her." i smiled and chuckled at the thought, imagining little kai being all sweet and stuff.

"how about you, han? how did you and jennie meet?" kai ask him and i knew it, he already told kai that he and jennie are a thing. does dad know? hanbin look at me and then kai.

"uh well, we met in a fashion runway in paris and yeah, i fell in love." he told us and that made me nod at understanding, so He fell in love. but he didn't said 'we' God this is hard.

"by the way, i need to go. goodbye! see you the day after tomorrow" they nodded and i proceed walking to the parking, they must've been bored. as soon as i reached the both of them, i heard them.

"so that's why you need to go alread-" jisoo look at jennie with furrowed eyebrows and when they noticed my presence they stopped talking and i look at them with wide eyes. "what are you guys talking about" jisoo just sit in the driver's seat and jennie shook her head. "i just told her why i need to go already and that i have a bad headache since she asked me if what you said was true, and yes. i told her about hanbin too" i nodded in understanding and i opened the car door for her

jisoo is driving while humming to the sound of the radio and jennie keeps her eyes closed. maybe the headache is a real pain in the ass. her phone started to ring and she opened her eyes immediately, she answered the phone.


Jennie's p.o.v

my phone started ringing and i answer it immediately knowing that it's just rosè. "jenjen! your mom is finding you and for fuck sake whenever she calls she's always asking for you. she keeps asking for a fucking picture or else she'll sue me for kidnapping, i need to go there or else you'll see my ass behind the bars" chae shout at me and she looks like she's panting.  "what the fuck? shit this is pretty a bullshit situation" i told her and i notice lisa looks at me with a worried eyes. "can't you just call her and tell her that we're in a vacation?" i sighed. i need to think of something.

"fine. I'll call her, I'll send you my address. please come here safely" she sighed in relief and i heard her laugh. "hahaha! let's fucking annoy your mom by sending her lots of pics once i got there. she's been a pain in my ass since last night!" i chuckles and she's still panting. "what's wrong? why do you sound so tired?" i ask her and i can here her suck in some air and sounds frustrated. "I'm packing my clothes you bitch!" she told me and i smiled at how she's so pissed of right now. "brought a nice dress, we're gonna go to a beach for a wedding. please wear something nice, not slutty" i heard her laugh. "bitch! who's the model between us? between me and you, you have the more chance to wear just a bra and an underwear when there's alcohol involved." i just laugh at her. "go here already, you have a long way to go. i already send you my adress and a hotel room too" i ended the call.

"who's that?" lisa ask me while looking at me. "oh, she's chaeyoung! the one who called us earlier while we're on our way here" she widen her eyes and nodded. "oh right!" i look at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"is it alright if i let her came here? i mean, I'm sorry if I've been a pain in the ass on your side. it's just that, my mom told her that she'll sue her if rosè won't send any evidence that I'm with her. i mean chae told her that I'm staying with her right?' she nodded and hold my hand. "oh it's alright, i can introduce her as a friend of mine, Sir Marco won't mind. besides he's fond of me!" she told me with a wink.

"who's this chaeyoung, by the way?" i look at jisoo and she's looking at us through the window on top of her. i smiled. "oh you'll love her! she loves food as well, you guys both have something in common" jisoo laugh and smiled. "oh I'm sure we'll get along just fine, and i can't help but overheard that you ask her to book a hotel room, don't worry my house is big enough for the four of us" she told me with a smile and i can't help but thank her. "oh God, thank you jisoo!" she smiled and proceed her driving.

i texted chae and told her that she don't need to book a hotel room and told her that a friend of mine owns a house and we can stay there. she just replied with a thumbs up. maybe she's now on her way here

i dialed my mom's number and I'm nervous as hell, only 2 rings and she already answered

"jennie ruby Jane, where are you?!" i guess lisa heard my mom's voice and she instantly hold my hand. "me and rosè are on vacation, mom. don't worry I'll be home next week or so" i heard her sigh. "for fuck sake, jennie! I'm worried about you and don't get me started on how you disrespected me and hanbin last nig-" there's only one way to stop her from pissing my day more.

"I'm with hanbin and his family. I'm friends with his cousin. bye mom" i told her and was about to end the call. "see? hanbin is right guy for you, he saved you last night didn't he? and decided to win your heart by introducing you to his family" she told me with a happy tone, i sighed and look down.

"no. lisa, save me." i told her and i saw lisa looked at me with a wide eyes.

"who's this lisa?"

"uh, hanbin's cousin"

i ended the call.

"sorry. I'm not sure if it's alright to tell my mom that you're his sister" she nodded and smile at me indicating she understands the situation. "it's alright, good thing you told her that I'm just his cousin."

"wow, so for now we're sisters?" i heard jisoo and we just laugh at how cute she is.


this is the longest chapter I've done, lol. feel free to comment your thoughts and kindly vote xoxo

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