chapter 43

138 4 0

lisa's pov

Kai greeted us with a smile on his face, wearing a beach polo and black short while Krystal's in her lovely white thin dress

"so? let's go?" kai asked me and jisoo excitedly and put both of his arms wrapping our shoulders

"kai, you didn't tell us what to wear! we look like we're about to attend a business meeting or a grammy perhaps" jisoo said with a whisper that made me nodded in agreement while my brother here just chuckles

"you didn't asked! besides you guys can change, I won't mind" he said with a smile, i look at jisoo waiting if she's considering the offer of us changing

"you know what? i guess I'm good" i said and jisoo agreed, i look at jennie  behind us as i remove kai's embrace

she's chatting with rosè and krystal, she looked at me and smile. before i can even come to her way, kai pulled me and jisoo back to them

"so, you guys will see each other by the end of the night" kai said and tap my shoulder "right lisa?" i nodded in response

"so, I'll bring this two girls later before  morning don't worry" krystal said and laugh, i look at jennie once again and she gave me a subtle signal by raising both of her eyebrows with a smile indicating that she's going to be fine

"yeah, bring them back safe!" i said and krystal just nodded, assuring me and jisoo, i watched them with my eyes as they got inside of a blue van

"so, are you done watching them already?" jisoo said with a nudge on my side, i rolled my eyes and face her

"yes, now where's kai?" i look around and saw kai talking with a group of guys, jisoo nudge me once again with a worried look

i slowly walk towards kai and the guys surrounding him, jisoo is walking beside me whispering stupid things such as "I'll get the tall one" she said with a smug on her face

"no, you know it's your fault!" i hear kai trying defending himself from what happened, when the guy in front of him push him and his back hit the wall

i look around us and many people are watching, the guards are already walking towards us. Can't i just have a freaking normal day?

"what's the problem?" i butted in their conversation us the four guys look at me.

"taehyung?" i notice the guy in the middle, his one of the artist that I'm working with. funny how i remembered he's Jennie's ex, why is here

"lisa, didn't know you go on vacations" he said and walk towards me, wrap his arms around my shoulder with a smirk

"yeah, taehyung I'm a person too." i told him and glance at kai, i look at taehyung and took a deep breath

"so, what's the problem?" he let go of my shoulder and walk towards kai and point to him as if he caught my brother like a criminal

"this fucker here ruined my shirt, it's worth hundreds of thousands and he fucking ruined it with his cheap ass champagne" i saw kai who's about to push taehyung but i gave him a look that made him stop

"you were the one who came in running like you own the place!" i look at kai who's now shaking because of anger. when the situation was to turn upside down once again, jisoo walk beside kai to calm him down

"I'll pay for it, taehyung. just stop bothering my brother" he looks at me in confusion and laughs at me in mockery

"seriously, this is your brother? and how can you pay me, huh? by selling that little condo of yours? or by sucking dicks?" unfortunately, he pushed too many buttons.

i punch him in the stomach as he lay on the ground. his friends was obviously shock and was about to fight as well when the guards took care of them

"you can buy a hundred thousand shirt but you can't buy good morals? what a shame" i look at him while he's still on the ground for pete's sake

"this is not fucking over, you're no one!" he stand up and smirk as if he just done something

"oh, and i also heard that you were the one who's begging for jennie all this years? pathetic" he laugh and walk a step forward

"confirmed it by jennie, now scram" i push him as kai and jisoo walk away with me following behind.

"dude, that's badass!" kai laugh and have a high five with jisoo as if it's a normal thing

"i just don't want people ruining your night, kai. besides, having a wedding tomorrow is stressful enough" i told him and pat his back as we walk to the beach, since we're going to the open bar by the beach where his friends are waiting

he taps my shoulder and give me a side hug "i owe you one" i just gave him a smile "you don't owe me anything"

jisoo run towards us and jump behind our back "please, we're supposed to get drunk! not having a sister shits adviced" i spank her head and she flip me off with a smile

we reached the bar in just 10 minutes. it's a great place for someone who's alone or just want to have a relaxing night,  you can just have a drink and watch the waves or dance and feel the sand on your feet as the music banged madly

kai introduced me and jisoo to his friends, people here are actually filled with kai's friends to the point the only name that i remember is his friend jim, because he have a sunglasses even if it's night and i find it stupidly funny

me and jisoo sat down on this circle table full of alcohol while kai said hi to some of his friends

"you know, I'm wondering what's happening to rosè and jen. what did krystal planned, is it also a party like this? or a much calmer one" jisoo said and have a shot of something, i look at her and nodded

"actually me too, why can't we stay with them instead?" jisoo looks at me dumbfounded and look around

"because you're the groom's sister, idiot." i nodded and took a sip of this Pina colada infront of me

"where's hanbin anyways?" jisoo asked me and i shugged because seriously, i don't even know if he's coming

"I'm not sure, but maybe tomorrow he'll be here" she just nodded as we drink our ass off

"lisa?" a voice behind me caught my attention, and a tap on my shoulder

"jane" jisoo looks surprised as well.

"this is going to be bad" jisoo whispered and i glance at her

"no time no see, how are you?" jane asked, she's my ex. jisoo actually hated this woman infront of me lol

"uh yeah doing good" she went around and stand in front of me

"anybody sitting here?" she points beside me and i shook my head

"good, I'm just gonna sit here if you don't mind" she sits beside me and took a sip of her wine

"yup, bad" jisoo whispered and i can't help but whisper back

"yes. bad"


belated happy v-day! sorry it took me this long to update!!

5 hours (jenlisa)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon