chapter 22

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Jennie's pov

i can't sleep. i don't know why but i just can't, nothing is bothering me that much though

or so i thought

I'm kinda feeling a little bit guilty to let lisa sleep in the living room when this is her room after all

why wouldn't she sleep with jisoo? they're cousins anyways

oh right, lisa said that they won't sleep peacefully since they're gonna argue about who deserves the blanket more and it can't be shared with two people, they're just a kid in a body of a woman

i thought to myself while changing the way i lay down constantly.

i got up from the bed to drink some water, maybe I'm a little be dehydrated and i just need some water

i got out of the room and proceed my way to the kitchen, i get the pitcher of a cold water and pour myself a drink in a glass

i look over at the living room when i notice that lisa is not even in the couch anymore, i look around the house. i even look to the stairs and check if she knock on jisoo's door

i was about to go upstairs when i hear some sounds outside and with full bravery, i made my way to the far side in the living room and saw a glass door that leads you outside in the back of the house, you can see the beautiful sunflowers that lisa's talking about and a bonfire with a wooden couch

i made my way out carefully and there's lisa, with a beer and a cigarette in her hand. wearing only a yellow hoodie and a black shorts, it's a bit windy outside and I'm just wearing my trusty white tshirt and a black pajamas

she saw me and look at me with wide eyes, she's about to stand up but i shook my head and sit beside her. it's nice, it's windy but the bonfire is enough to make us feel warm

"what brings you here?" she ask me and look at me with concerned eyes, i just shook my head and let my head lean far on the back

"nothing, i can't sleep that's all" she nodded and tap my shoulder and hand me a beer

"this can help, i promise you" i smiled and accepted it

"i guess one beer won't hurt right?" i look at her and she nodded and gave me a smile

"how about you? why are you here?" i ask her and she just shrugged while taking a hit on her cigarette

and after she blew all the smoke, she looks at me

"same as you, i can't sleep. i have insomnia" she looks at me and smile, i look at her apologetically

"I'm sorryy that must've been hard" i told her and scoot closer to her, some of the cigarette smoke move it's way to me that cause me to fan myself with my hand to move the smell, lisa noticed it that's why she move it to the other hand

"I'm really sorry" we both laugh and i look at her and then the cigarette

"why do you smoke?" she just look at the sky and look like she's really thinking a nice answer with my question

"hmm, it makes my mind calm. i feel like all of those negativity that's invading me, body and mind. i feel like I'm letting it all out when i let the smoke from my cigarettes out" i look at her while nodding

if you look it that way, you'll think that cigarettes is probably a very nice thing and a therapy in a box

"how about you? you never tried smoking before?" i laugh and shook my head

"never! no one actually thought me and I'm just to afraid to kill myself by just lighting a stick" we share a laugh and i took a sip on my beer

"your siblings, they're pretty nice" i started to start a conversation and she smiled while looking at the fire.

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